Membaca buku-buku
Thanks FOR the suggestion . I didn't really think about this but now that you mentioned it it kinda feels like a good idea . I will give this More though and see what I can do with this .
I kinda feel embarrassed🫣. sorry for confusing you and many other readers . now that think about it I feel like an idiot for not realizing how messy the first Arc can be with different Bens involved in a multiversel Arc. without knowing which Ben is who. But hey we learn from our mistakes and try to improve our selves . and I'll try just I have tried to explain which Ben is who in the Authors thoughts so hope you check that out .👻 and also DC arcs will start after the multiveresel arc. so hope you stick around till that .
Ben x : " I totally get how you feel". 😹
Thanks man 🫣. I really appreciate this . You don't know how motivated I feel just from your words . And Thank you again 😁😊😸👍
Thanks for the complement and the suggestion . as English is not my native language so I didn't really think about this much . but now that you have pointed this out I will try to improve in this direction. Hope me success . And hope you enjoy the content . Thank you [img=Smug]
yap .☺️ Ben x is the mc
Don't worry I won't . trust me Bro 😎
Because it's Ben and He thinks it looks cool . And honestly it does look cool 😅
Hope you like it 😁🫣
our mc just got the Omnitrix. so as a long time Ben 10 fan I don't feel like it was right for mc to have a really big impact on this arc . especially when there're so many other versions of Ben's involved in this arc who have more experience with the Omnitrix and they don't have much impact on this arc too like Ben 10k and even Ben prime died for a while so. that's why he's not that significant currently. but after this Multivers Arc is over and we continue to the DC arc . MC will have more and more impact on the story . so hang on tight 😉. and thank you for reading this story . if you have any thoughts on the story or any suggestions please comment about it it will help with the story. Thank you 😊