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Grisha from USSR not Ukraine. When he got to sephiroth, it was the USSR, not Ukraine.
Не варто витраченого часу. Головний герой ідіот. Персонажі-просто декорації. Весь світ крутиться навколо бажань головного героя, він не отримує ніяких негативних наслідків від своїх дій. Діалоги написані так, ніби автор ніколи не чув як розмовляють реальні люди. Нікому не рекомендую це читати.
The main character is stupid even for a child, and he is not a child. Why did he make it clear that he had seen and most importantly understood that this man had used a killing curse? He could have asked to kill him right away, that's the same thing. Why didn't he pretend to be a Muggle? That way he would have a chance to get off with only memory loss, saving his life. This idiot will never make a god of deception. If Amon had been in this world, he would have been able to lure Sephiroth from MC for a handful of licorice candies.