One rabbit to chew them all one rabbit to destroy them. Seriously who knew how destructive these guys were before I got some as pets.
Membaca buku-buku
Yup hobbiton
No harm area. So neither can die. Still dumb of her since he has to fight later and she’s using up his energy instead of war wing him up she’s wearing him out. Unless the area restores energy when they are done too.
Possible but you need booster stations and a ton of wire. Much easier and faster to make a seperate power station in the dwarves capital…. Especially if it already has a it pollution clouds.
Sperm count goes down as you get older too. Which means that even if you can get it up the likelihood of a successful pregnancy goes down. Not gone, but down.
Yea they aren’t going to give you a choice.
162 chapters. It’s well past the time for misunderstandings to be put to rest. Its not funny anymore, it’s not interesting anymore it’s just plain annoying. And I think I’ve spent enough on it. Especially when he was “ going to explain it himself “ then put it off just long enough for another misunderstanding to occur. Got better places to spend my money than to have you reset everything again so the whole tiresome set of errors can happen again.
+1. Yes almost 150 chapters of this. Its time for the plot to move off this rock it’s stuck on before it sinks the boat.
Not bad, a little short but that’s fine since the battle isn’t over, and to long can be worse. One author that I like a lot had one battle last over 10 chapters, and not small chapter like here, full chapters. Much as I like his books that was way too long especially since it didn’t advance the story much. Yours was good, advanced the story, had a purpose for being there, and gave enough detail to let the reader get into the scene without so much that it bogged things down.
lol the plot has arrived!
I have always wondered how messy the area around Cookie Monster was when they were done with his shots?