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I love the name, I feel that it represents him very well and it is a very original name, he is the top and wants to reach it using his own methods without following anyone, his name represents exactly that, as for Mei, I suppose it is the best, she would never focus on the romantic over her true love, invention, I was also thinking about this topic that I don't think will happen but in the given case that AFO managed to steal Kata's quirk, with the will that remains in his quirk, he could annul all the peculiar factors in AFO's cells or something like that.
never happened 🗣️🗣️🗣️
It was incredible, I really liked it, as well as the social media interactions.
I remember his editor once said that Gojo looked a lot like Gege, maybe that's why he hates him.
webshooter supremacy
webshooter supremacy
It's really the most useful way to get reviews, I'll do one when I'm done reading.
I guess she knew she would have been arrested very quickly.
It was quite disappointing to be honest
In my opinion, All Might shouldn't be cured before he loses his quirk, or what about something like Gojo, which, being organic tissue, has a blockage to regenerate or heal and it's not until the battle with AFO and a convenient wound that he manages to do so, but it takes too long to heal All Might, although that contradicts the fact that Kata defeat AFO.