I Like'em Crazy
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He will return on the next chapter bro
sorry for the wait haha things have been a little difficult here. But tomorrow I'll release another chapter, and then, get ready for a timeskip!
Unfortunatly Yes...however this will be a VERY different jinx. Can't let my homegirl lose all of her family now can I? hahaha
sorryyyy haha, my english is not that great, so I need to ask for help sometimes
well he certainly could, definetly should. however, is it really ok to just go around killing thugs just for the sake of farming points? not saying I disagree with you, you're definetly right in saying this, however i've been trying to keep Volume 1 more grounded in the sense of "there are consequenses to our actions." in the first half there was a civil war just because he killed like 7 Chem-enforcers. I didn't want to make Lukas go on a Killing spree (yet) even if his enemies were complete monsters. until now everyone he killed gave him a reason to do it, didn't give him another choice or were just necessary. ( like threatening Renni's kid. trust me I would go full Jayce on that Kid haha).
you're Definetly not wrong bro, Silco definetly wants to see Zaun thrive, to see it rise above. He and Lukas share a lot of similarities. however, Silco believes that Vander made the undercity weak, and he must not be allowed to be in control of the undercity any longer. Lukas's stunt at the last drop fucked Silco's plan entirely he wanted Vander to seem weak to his fellows, but instead, after Lukas's intervention, he now has a lot of support. and Silco cannot have it. Silco wants to have Lukas under him, he wants to make him his 'Vision' for the future of Zaun, that is Why he doesn't kill Lukas. that is why he says that one day he will understand.
broooo, why do you remind me of Chris 'Gotta continue the bloodline' Redfield hahahaha
Nah I just forgot to put the (I call BS) on the chapter hahah
EXACTLY!!! That was my intention since chapter 1 hahaha