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Honestly this story is incredibly underrated. So far I have been enjoying my time and the characters interaction. Right now I have say the action scenes(fight scenes) are one of the best parts. Makes you want to continue reading. Right now there isn't that much chapters but I'm predicting that this will be an amazing work of fiction with each character winning the audience hearts.
the story is fun to read and overall enjoyable
it's good. like really good if I were to be honest. i not usually a fan of showbiz novels but after reading this I kind of develop a new interested.
i will be honest, its not my cup of tea but I did find it enjoyable. the stories gets better as the chapters are release which is good.
I'm enjoying the story so far and i have to admit it's an interesting story. I haven't made it far in but I planing on reading more. I hope you keep updating so I could enjoy this work of art
I would like to say that short stories format are usually my favourite. The MC is someone I wouldn't typically enjoy because we established his character but after the guardian tell him his role, he immediately does it without really thinking about it. I may sound too critical but I am honestly enjoying myself.
THIS IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!! It's between Sabrina and Nicholas who becoming my personal favourite. Hope to see more updates from you because I'm enjoying the wedding and I'm dying to see what happens next
It's a very intriguing story and I'm ngl I quite enjoying. I hope to see more from you and if you keep up the hard work. Then your work will begin to be appreciated.✨
It's a very well written book that keeps the reader thinking of what's going to happen next. Princess Ivy is so far my favourite character because I personally enjoy her presence.
ngl it's a very interesting story that with a very unique character. so far Peanut is my favourite character because I find him relatable. hope to see more of this