Outaku prevert only read harem tag fun fiction Please no yuri Please nothing but straight …… I don’t belong to real world
Membaca buku-buku
It’s a logic She is his girl now and he want to keep his girl safe as much as possible
As ultimate IronMan he should be creative….for example he could reverse engineer no create an army of robots soldiers like star war..and spaceships….for that target he need to had a lot of rare material and resources that even all earth couldn’t support…so why can’t mc Crete a base for himself outside earth ( outside the radar of ….) and start mining for rare material and unknown material even study alien technology and ….and start creating a complete independent production line chain that turn this raw material that he could get from mining on other planets into a army and ….thhat rival thanos army and while doing that he could take over captain marvel movie event and guardian of the galaxy movies event …I suggest he take over the guardians of galaxy and become its captain instead of star lord even change its name into pirates of galaxy
I hope there’s no yuri in this fiction …..
What if mc create a iron suits that could use magic of that world Let’s imagine an elemental suits every one is control one element…. And all suits could combine in gundom titan maican version … ….
Critical suddenly green shock hopeless situation
With a long hair she would looks like that