Membaca buku-buku
I finished it and it was very good
The writer carries sexual frustration at a very high level, and this novel is a place of release 😂😂😂 You should try to write away from frustration and sex
I've read a lot of Naruto and reincarnation fanfiction and I can say that you truly made something beautiful and powerful out of the events, unlike the rest of these idiots who all they do is make the heroes strong.
Same Mistake The Hero is written in a Shonen Jump style Thousands survive in ways that the writer believes are clever and repeated I don't need to know until after 38 chapter
The writer's hero is frankly stupid. Planning and deception do not fit together, and the idea that he is fighting for the crown is the best evidence. All his actions and crises do not change together. The big change in the story. He escapes death by a hair every time, a shonen jump hero.
You are a good writer, but the chapter should contain more events at a slightly faster pace,And there will be more chapters because I am very excited 😍😍😍😍😍😍 I will read the rest of your novel, whether translated or adapted.