

2023-08-23 BergabungGlobal





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Waiting to Bloom

WARNING!!!! This book has mention of S/A , drugs, R*pe, and Murder. Content may be inappropriate or uncomfortable for certain readers. Jun-Myeon star athlete an honor student with a fortune behind him in the world being his oyster. Never wanting for anything never in need of anything. Believes in routines and believes everything happens for a reason. Lives the picture perfect life everything calculated down to the very cloth His socks are made of that he puts on specifically at 8:45 AM every morning. Takeru a malnourished, hard-working boy, in a abusive household, where he does not know what love is for it was taken from him at a young age. He knows nothing but suffering and pain. Works day in and day out to pay off debts that aren’t even his just so that he has a place to sleep at night. Orphaned at the age 4 he doesn’t understand the world or how it works or why what happens happens to him specifically it as if he’s been cursed. Two completely opposite lives, two twisted secrets, one school . One interaction. One look, one touch started this chain reaction of events. So will fate win or will they changed the ending of the story? Join in the adventure of romance and mystery and darkness to explore. Just wanna keep these two souls afloat when they have such heavy, dark secrets, weighing them down. So many twists and turns and puzzles to solve to make your head spin. So much love and romance and cheesy cliché lines to make one blush. so many emotions and then confusion to make you feel like you’re on a roller coaster. We’re in for a long ride, so I hope you enjoy the romance, the fun, the mysteries, the secrets the darkness.

Randomguy999 · Seni bela diri
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12 Chs