


what is a hunchback without arms or legs?

2023-08-16 BergabungFrance





Membaca buku-buku


Small World Reality : The ascent of the demon

The world as we know it today has become uninhabitable following ignored climate change and wars caused by the growing lack of resources leading to the explosion of several nuclear power plants...leaving part of the population to flee into space preparing for a journey through the stars in the hope of finding a new planet for the human species...after several generations on board, the ships has organized itself around this hope, factions have been created over time reviving an almost forgotten rivalry between the humans on board...nearly leading to the annihilation of what remained of our species...this is how Small World was pushed to the forefront...a fantasy virtual reality world allowing these dark desires to be channeled...the place that this game took was more than what the ruling class hoped for...due to a rebellious AI the ranking of Small World reality granted the first in the ranking the right to freely control the AI ​​ensuring the survival of the species for an entire year...which in the game corresponded to more than 10 years...the winner of the year 3333 had thus betrayed the human race and decided that the human species had to cease to exist...thus annihilating the species... In this dystopian future, a betrayed man sees the opportunity to take another path when he wakes up one year earlier...Clark was just an ordinary member of the Dark Circle Guild, a lower guild of Small World Reality, he hadn't gone back alone, accompanied by cheat software stolen from his former guild leader and armed with memories of the game he was going to save humanity...or die trying...

wisemonde · Fantasi
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6 Chs