Membaca buku-buku
chinese novel gods are really pathetic! idk why they have the guts to name them "gods."
arghh skip this bs chap!
forced plot! these detectshit didn't even investigate those fighters who were killed by those lunatic ref and they're now here trying to get more screen time by coming near the mc.
ippo scene! sigh!
kiernan: iron shit, iron slap, iron kick, iron stab, iron sneeze..... johan: ahh, ahh, ahhh, arghh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh 🙄🙄🙄
cadellshit is the most annoying! you're going for the kill just because your crush said something good to a guy. japanism as it's finest!
if you're an avid anime viewers then you can predict every scene in this novel. there's so much japanism style in this novel. sigh
iron shit
this is the very path that the majority of the people in REALITY have chosen. the self-centered path that focuses only for oneself without caring others. a very sad reality indeed!
it's really predictable! author's trying to extend the arc by planting another mysterious character.