(patreon.com/EmmaCruzader) support me so I can continue writing :D Amateur Illustrator, aspiring full-time writer, English is not my first language. Only children choose, a man takes it all!
Membaca buku-buku
Accumulating power is not really the central point of the story but if it is necessary then Daniel will do it.
Actually that's not a weakness that needs some kind of extraordinary power to unlock, it just needs to gain resistance, like people who cook on a grill and over time withstand the heat without getting too uncomfortable.
I've been watching the series, unfortunately I haven't been feeling very inspired for various reasons.
It's probably you, my average for each chapter is 3000 thousand words (between 3200 to 3700) there are rarely chapters that are less than that although there are also much longer chapters.
They are two different things, if Harleen had awakened the 'M Gene' then she would become a monster.
working on it!
Honestamente creo que cometí algunos errores en cuanto a la trama, aún estoy viendo cómo podría arreglarlo pero no sé si es posible
I think it is explained very well in the chapters where the topic was addressed (I recommend reading them again), but to clarify completely, Killgrave's power consists of using a special pheromone that his body produces to control others (humans). He does not control their minds; his victims are fully aware of what Killgrave makes them do, trapped in their own bodies without being able to resist and only able to watch. At the same time, this pheromone loses potency over time due to the immune system, but this takes a very, very long time. Jessica Jones, being superhuman, was able to develop immunity in a shorter period, though it still took her some time. Even so, it is possible to become immune. With that, it should be clear that any species that is not human is immune to Killgrave since his pheromones only work on humans, just as animal pheromones only work on those of the same species. Likewise, any human with a superior healing/regeneration ability could develop immunity to these pheromones. For example, if it had not been Jessica but rather someone like Wolverine, whom Killgrave encountered and controlled, then due to his super regeneration, Wolverine would have become immune in a matter of days, and Killgrave would have signed his own death sentence. As a final note, mind control does not work on Daniel, and this is something specified in the early chapters. His mind and soul are protected by his core (I also recommend rereading the first chapters for further clarification).
The real name of killgrave