Ultraman A New Light
Cosmic Era
In a future where humanity has expanded into the cosmos, space colonies known as PLANTS have become home to a growing population. Within these colonies, genetically enhanced individuals, known as "Coordinators," lead seemingly perfect lives. However, jealousy and resentment brew among the "Naturals" who reside on Earth. This animosity escalates into a full-blown war, pitting humans against the Coordinators and their advanced technology. Battles are waged using powerful mechas called mobile suits, and the conflict rages on for years.
Despite a hard-won truce, a new darkness looms on the horizon. Mysterious orbs known as Cancer Seeds spawn terrifying Kaijus and malevolent entities, unleashing chaos and destruction. Only a young Coordinator, bearer of the ancient "light," holds the power to confront this darkness. With the powers of various Ultra Warriors, can our young hero vanquish the encroaching shadows and rescue his world from impending doom?
I don't own the images and rights to the Ultraman and Gundam series. They belong to their respective owners.
I also post this in Scribble Hub and Royal Road.
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