

2023-05-06 JoinedPhilippines



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Life of a Vigilante

In a world where a significant portion of the population was born with superpowers, society is shaped around the abilities of the superpowered individuals. It's a world where people with powers like super strength, flight, and x-ray vision are looked up to and admired. However, not everybody is happy with this--the powerless live in fear, feeling like they're at the mercy of those who have abilities far beyond their own. As tensions between the superpowered and the powerless rise, the world edges closer and closer to a tipping point. There was a time we were innocent. The nation was booming and people were happy. The politicians were ripping one another apart on national television, flanked by pundits from every side of the aisle. Some people took to a god or several to answer the many mysteries of this universe, some took to alcohol to dull the void of having no answers, some took to scientific figures as if they were the next messiah and the black holes were something worth worshipping. Now I barely remember that time of innocence. It was all background noise to the struggles each and every one of us went through in our daily lives. Get up in the morning, drag ourselves to work, serve some purpose no matter how dull or worthless it sometimes felt, then drag ourselves back home again. Then try to find a good way to spend our few free hours before rushing to bed so we could wake up refreshed for a new day of that same rat race. When that innocence was lost, the aftershocks would go on to change our entire world.

Rizen_Felizardo · Fantasy
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19 Chs