


A new author on the block, enjoyer of all things cultured, and elder of the Yandere sect.

2023-04-17 BergabungGlobal





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  • Iam_hastur
    Balas MysticalEevee

    pretty accurate indeed

    Finn jokingly commented aloud only for his head to suddenly fall off his shoulders and land on his lap right after spewing that comment.
    Vampire: World of Blood
    Fantasi · Iam_hastur
  • Iam_hastur
    Balas Kyatus

    Thanks for the honest feedback.

    Vampire: World of Blood
    Fantasi · Iam_hastur
  • Iam_hastur
    Balas Unknownuserleft

    Sorry for the long reply, Mc is not retared, smart and cruel. Yes, some virgin harem members, albeit the romance is of the dark genre, Merciless is a very cruel person, but opinons differ

    Vampire: World of Blood
    Fantasi · Iam_hastur
  • Iam_hastur
    Balas Poisonsectelder04_

    No problem bro, I would advise that you drop, I do not want you to waste your time, this story the MC especially is ruthless in that regard. Thank you for taking the initiative to state what you don't like. Understandable bro have a nice day.

    I really want to issue this caution right now. If you are sensitive to dark stories with unsettling themes such as torture, r*pe, goth culture and aesthetics, murder, abusive behaviors, drug addiction, gore, and a lot of violence, please go; this narrative is not for the faint of heart. Merciless is not your typical main character who saves the day; rather, he is the sort that is unconcerned about the well-being of anyone outside of his little group of clan members and loyal servants. There is no honor for him; his clan is of a warrior heritage, but what it means to be a fighter for a Michellian is simply to be victorious. So, if you came here expecting to read a typical, wholesome rom-com vampire romance, you've come to the wrong place.
    Vampire: World of Blood
    Fantasi · Iam_hastur
  • Iam_hastur

    Ionize Purple Black Spear

    . Ionize Purple Black Spear: Ionize Purple: Black Spear is adapted from Merciless' conventional Black Spear technique, but instead of simply transforming Black Tail's smooth tip into a solid bone spearhead ten times harder than diamonds, that can easily penetrate through many layers of reinforced steel walls while traveling at hypersonic speeds. Ionize Purple Black Spear is based on the same premise, but it takes the alteration one step further by absorbing plasma in Merciless cells via Albedo Ichor, which Merciless took from him. Merciless supercharges the tip of Black Tail, making it very hot and deadly. To the point that each attack is laser-like in nature.
    Vampire: World of Blood
    Fantasi · Iam_hastur
  • Iam_hastur

    Ionize Purple Thermal Rain

    . Ionize Purple Thermal Rain: This is one of Merciless's more basic plasma base techniques. With this attack, Merciless creates a mountain-sized purple plasma ball and shoots it into the sky, causing it to burst into millions of mini plasma balls that destroy everything below. These balls have radiation lighting surrounding them, making them poisonous as well, as they can sense heat of any kind, hot or cold, making dodging nearly impossible.
    Vampire: World of Blood
    Fantasi · Iam_hastur
  • Iam_hastur

    Stasis Ionize Purple

    . Stasis Ionize Purple: SIP is Merciless's first-ever special attack in the series. It uses plasma manipulation to combine the Tagamar's plasma intensity and binding plasma traits with the Black Gatogran's radiation lighting. This strike siphons all plasma in the atmosphere into a perfect 5km sphere around Merciless, multiplying the plasma by 100 times every second while concentrating all freshly created plasma in one single spot. The light from this attack is deadly since it produces radiation poison, and it also ties anybody unfortunate enough to be beneath its light, making it a nigh-unavoidable attack. This onslaught is powerful enough to destroy the Earth two times over.
    Vampire: World of Blood
    Fantasi · Iam_hastur
  • Iam_hastur

    Black Spear

    . Black Spear: This is one of Merciless's most basic shapeshifting abilities. It is an attack designed to deal with strongly armored opponents or structures with strong protection. By transforming the tip of Black Tail into a massive, long, robust, thick, and stiff spearhead. Merciless can employ this ability to pierce armored structures by combining his natural piercing force with an incredibly durable bone structure that is ten times tougher than diamonds. Merciless, on the other hand, claims that it takes ten to twenty seconds for the characteristics within his body to coalesce into the spear, making it a weakness of his.
    Vampire: World of Blood
    Fantasi · Iam_hastur
  • Iam_hastur

    Black Tail: Autonomous Mode

    Black Tail Autonomous Mode: This is one of Merciless's more basic techniques. This is essentially Merciless detaching Black Tail from his body in order to have Black Tail fight alongside him. Black Tail, like Merciless, has the same power as Merciless and can shapeshift into anything he has eaten, or shapeshift its long prehensile body into a giant 50-meter worm with rows of rotating teeth to devour enemies alive, with long, free, sturdy, or spike tentacles to swat, stab, or slice enemies into pieces. Black Tail can breathe fire, blast plasma beams from its mouth, and heal by shapeshifting or regeneration. And even if it is destroyed to an atomic level, it will just reassemble on Merciless and return to the battlefield once more.
    Vampire: World of Blood
    Fantasi · Iam_hastur
  • Iam_hastur

    Black Tail: Alternative (plasma-infused)

    . Black Tail Alternative: This is one of Merciless's most commonly utilized abilities, and it is no secret that Merciless skill sets are among the most versatile in the series. Merciless, on the other hand, could use this power to infuse his tail with a variety of powers, such as encompassing it in radiation lightning, creating metallic, bones, mucus, and even blood spikes, and separating Black Tail into numerous smaller tails for speed, strength, and defense. He also used plasma to make the bone spikes as hot as lava, or as hot as the sun's surface, utilizing his plasma multiplier technique.
    Vampire: World of Blood
    Fantasi · Iam_hastur
  • Iam_hastur

    Black Tail: Alternative

    . Black Tail Alternative: This is one of Merciless's most commonly utilized abilities, and it is no secret that Merciless skill sets are among the most versatile in the series. Merciless, on the other hand, could use this power to infuse his tail with a variety of powers, such as encompassing it in radiation lightning, creating metallic, bones, mucus, and even blood spikes, and separating Black Tail into numerous smaller tails for speed, strength, and defense. He also used plasma to make the bone spikes as hot as lava, or as hot as the sun's surface, utilizing his plasma multiplier technique.
    Vampire: World of Blood
    Fantasi · Iam_hastur
  • Iam_hastur

    Chimera Armor

    . Chimera Armor: This was formed by combining the genetic codes of the Black Gatogran and Tagamars, as well as the traits of all other creatures that Merciless had consumed. Such as goblins and Shaogths. Together, they formed an extremely strong armor that is said to be 10 times tougher than diamonds upon its creation, but as the series progressed, that number went to 500 via that statement of Proga metal that Merciless assimilated to his body. The armor grants Merciless perfect vision, flight, mucus manipulation, increased plasma control, and many other skills. It is one of Merciless' most used abilities in the series.
    Vampire: World of Blood
    Fantasi · Iam_hastur
  • Iam_hastur

    Neverlander Hair Whips

    . Neverlander Hair Whip: Merciless learned the Neverlander Hair Whip technique by integrating the Nerverlander whip into his own body. Which was created from the hair of hundreds of deceased Elder Shagoths. As a result, all of Merciless' hair is esoteric in nature, providing him with passive but equally limited magic biological armor that gives him magical resistance. Merciless, however, uses his shapeshifting abilities to create a forest of long biological tentacle whip tongs with deadly hook-like blades at the tip of each monstrous hair strand. The hair can also vibrate, making it similar to a buzzsaw. When combined with its capacity to travel at hypersonic speeds, Merciless Hair functions as a flexible saw blade capable of cutting down many adversaries from near, mid, or long distances. Merciless can also use plasma, radiation lighting, miasma, and poison on his hair to add additional effects to his attacks, and he has total and absolute control over all of them because they are part of his body.
    Vampire: World of Blood
    Fantasi · Iam_hastur
  • Iam_hastur

    Blood Orchin

    . Blood Orchin: This is Merciless's first special move he used after becoming a vampire; using One With Blood, Merciless can control the blood inside the bodies of anyone within 2 meters of him. This range was increased to 16 meters in season 2. Blood Orchin essentially allows Merciless to crystallize blood, making it solid, as light as a feather, and ten times stronger than diamonds. Merciless impales you from the inside out, generating massive blood spikes throughout your body. When these massive, jagged blood spikes puncture you from the inside out, the inflictor's body is ripped apart and deformed. Once you're within Merciless range, there's no getting away from it. Although this is not effective as a technique for killing vampires, however, it can be used to severely restrict their movement.
    Vampire: World of Blood
    Fantasi · Iam_hastur
  • Iam_hastur

    Blood Boil

    . Blood Boil: This is one of Merciless' earliest blood base manipulation techniques utilized against goblins in the testing arena and again against one of Zane Izangel's clones. Merciless can boil others alive by heating up the mitochondria in the blood cells; he primarily uses this to torment his foes during interrogation or for his own amusement, since he likes inflicting agony on people he despises. 
    Vampire: World of Blood
    Fantasi · Iam_hastur
  • Iam_hastur

    Blood Drain

    . Blood Drain: This is a basic technique that Merciless often uses via his natural blood manipulation abilities to forcefully draw out all of the blood from the body of a single or multiple enemies all at once and absorb it into his body, killing the enemy on the spot with no means to protect themselves.
    Vampire: World of Blood
    Fantasi · Iam_hastur
  • Iam_hastur
    Balas Murdda223

    Thank you so much!!

    Ch 1 Red Moon
    Vampire: World of Blood
    Fantasi · Iam_hastur
  • Iam_hastur
    Balas PXIG

    Jormangandr is older, but the thing is, he is adopted, so some people like to call him the oldest son of Loki and Hector the 2nd born, however, Hector is the 2nd born. In this world Mythology isnt accurate to what humans belive them to be!!

    'You are right, brother. Still, it's insane to imagine that Lord Seventh would assign the former squad leader of the famed Squad Ullr to protect this kid. He is quite lucky to have the firstborn son of Loki, one of the seventh Progenitor's ten great overlords, to protect him. Tsk, I'm strong, but this old geezer's physical power is just ridiculous. I once witnessed him split an entire continent in half during his semi-bestial transformation when they destroyed the church of Yalzed. Legend even states that his true form is so large he can swallow the sun whole in one bite.'
    Vampire: World of Blood
    Fantasi · Iam_hastur
  • Iam_hastur

    1st oldest

    'You are right, brother. Still, it's insane to imagine that Lord Seventh would assign the former squad leader of the famed Squad Ullr to protect this kid. He is quite lucky to have the firstborn son of Loki, one of the seventh Progenitor's ten great overlords, to protect him. Tsk, I'm strong, but this old geezer's physical power is just ridiculous. I once witnessed him split an entire continent in half during his semi-bestial transformation when they destroyed the church of Yalzed. Legend even states that his true form is so large he can swallow the sun whole in one bite.'
    Vampire: World of Blood
    Fantasi · Iam_hastur
  • Iam_hastur
    Balas Murdda223
    'What kind of inhumane speed is this? Do you mean to tell me that he traveled 500 miles in less than two and a half seconds? Two and a half fucking seconds; no! This isn't something a human should be capable of; what the fuck is going on?'
    Vampire: World of Blood
    Fantasi · Iam_hastur