Membaca buku-buku
College sucks after you graduate you'll just end up in a simple job. Well searching for a simple job is harder than it seems good luck.
YouTube Dark Ages. Alfia's last moment against Astraea Familia. They defeated a level 7 powerhouse that has fire power of a Level 9 yet they were wiped out by a Juggernaut whose overall power level is only around 5-6 where's the justice in that.
Sadistic Tsundere and a Masochist northern duke? He'll yeah 👍
This is why I hated systems with parameter functions
My head hurts trying to calculate the math.
I hate to say this but a simple one is better.
I hate to say this but damn this FANFIC is making me excited for some reason. I like how detailed it is in some parts. A Sadistic Tsundere mothers who has the dreamer, grace and elegance of an Empress. A masochist father who has the bearing and aura of a northern duke character. And both parents are currently stronger and have more skills and experience than the MC. I also love how refreshing and funny some of the dialogues are I make the story refreshing. Not so serious and not so unrealistic.