5x5 55
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Congratulations on reaching 100 chapters, and I hope to see you reach 1,000 chapters.
Fortunately, I let the chapters accumulate Excited!
It seems that in chapter ten, the world will be destroyed by the MC. How fast the events are progressing! In just two chapters, he has acquired the most important weapon and held a meeting. Are you writing a story or summarizing one? A one-dimensional story without any dramatic, psychological, or suspenseful buildup, or any kind of development. Complete failure. Oh my God, in just two short chapters, the protagonist died, reincarnated, realized he was reincarnated, accepted it, set his goal, attended a meeting and won, set his next goal, faced no issues using powers he didn’t even know, summoned a monster, entered a hideout no one was supposed to know about, yet our friend found it after a looong search of more than a minute, wasn’t affected by the traps guarding the most important weapon, and took control of the weapon. What terrible writing 😭😭😭😭😭