

2023-04-06 BergabungGlobal





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  • IEatTurtles
    Balas Bonb_Crusher

    Without going into spoiler territory I'm going to make the main character go through trials and tribulations as he's exploring this Superhero Universe.

    David watched the scene unfold from the sidelines, his mind churning. The arrogant attitude of Hotshot reminded him of the countless scenarios he had written where Enryu's peculiar ability came into play. The power of Adaptation, a skill that was borderline unfair. It allowed Enryu to grow stronger with each conflict, to learn and adapt from every hardship. The battles he lost only served to make him stronger for the next. It was an ability he'd designed specifically for his protagonist, making Enryu virtually unbeatable in the long run.
    Anything but an Extra
    Seni bela diri · IEatTurtles
  • IEatTurtles
    Balas Harbinger_612

    Well that person in question isn't Superman it would be copyright infringement which I'm trying to steer clear from, but it was a realistic take that people would likely catch on quick.

    Smoke continued, "Just don't think you can throw on a pair of glasses and people won't be able to recognize you. We had an idiot here that did that once."
    Anything but an Extra
    Seni bela diri · IEatTurtles
  • IEatTurtles
    Balas Khaled_Alotaibi

    You’re definitely right about that I’ going back to make minor edits to suit the narrative on my previous chapters.

    Paragraf ini telah dihapus.
    Anything but an Extra
    Seni bela diri · IEatTurtles
  • IEatTurtles
    Balas Jmitch1

    Thank you so much for leaving a review I’l try my best to keep the writing quality the same throughout the story 🙏

    Anything but an Extra
    Seni bela diri · IEatTurtles
  • IEatTurtles
    Balas Haowie

    Thank you so much for leaving a review it really helps! I hope you enjoy the read if you see any mistakes or notice the story is off track let me know. I‘m open to constructive criticism.

    Anything but an Extra
    Seni bela diri · IEatTurtles
  • IEatTurtles
    Balas Haowie

    Its not a definite no, but im not sure on my writing capabilities to have a proper harem for the story. if its requested enough I’ll think about it. I hope that’s the answer your looking for.

    Ch 12 Chapter 12: The Mentorship Draw
    Anything but an Extra
    Seni bela diri · IEatTurtles
  • IEatTurtles

    ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ A Rip-Roaring Ride of Superheroic Proportions! What's more exhilarating than a roller-coaster ride? A superhero novel I conceived back in 2019, of course! It was like a tiny seed, which I've watered, nourished, and rewritten about, oh, a meager five times. Just your typical authorly dedication, right? Fast-forward to 2023, I've finally mustered enough gusto (and coffee) to lay it all out for the public to feast their eyes upon. And boy, has it been a journey. My humble ’Anything but an Extra’ project took on a life of its own, spiraling into an exciting world of heroes, challenges, and well, more challenges. As I brave through this thrilling expedition, typing away into the wee hours of the night, I hope it brings as much joy to you as it does to me. A hero's journey isn't complete without an audience to cheer them on, after all! Here's to more laughs, gasps, and 'I-did-not-see-that-coming' moments. Buckle up and enjoy the ride!

    Anything but an Extra
    Seni bela diri · IEatTurtles
  • IEatTurtles

    As the author, I humbly give Bloodborne Legacy 4/5 stars in my own critique. While I recognize areas for improvement, I am proud of the gripping storytelling and the potential it holds. I'm committed to honing my craft and delivering even more captivating narratives in the future. Furthermore, I welcome and value all criticism from readers, as it helps me grow as an author. Your feedback is precious to me, and I listen to it wholeheartedly, eager to create better and more enthralling stories in the future. Thank you for being part of this journey with me.

    Bloodborne Legacy
    Seram · IEatTurtles
  • IEatTurtles

    Why did you include the great way of bhudda in the first place dude? You purposely el nerfed him. May as well included turtle school dbz cultivation instead.

    Ch 2 Chapter 2
    Naruto: Family System
    Komik · SoftCrow