

2023-04-05 BergabungGlobal



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  • king_of_Demons
    king_of_Demons10 months ago

    a good concept story but just one thing killed it for me and that's bad grammar at points in the story that were really irritating for me .like I don't comment on grammar because mine is also not that good but it helps pull the story at it's worse points and accentuates some best points .so yeah if anyone wants my opinion then I will say give it a try for a few chapters and if it's not to your liking then leave it . Bye bye fellow review readers.

  • king_of_Demons
    king_of_Demonsa year ago

    This is the greatest novel I have read till now along with maybe one or two more .Sadly I don't have money to spend on it because I am still a student but this novel has gone in my list of novels that have made me hooked to the story with an intensity like no other and I have written it down so that one day I can support all these authors that have written such beautiful art of a story .I can't imagine how much the author had thought about his story while writing it down with how much he is always sick . You have my heartfelt gratitude for providing this amazing artwork and I can't do much besides giving your book a review and writing words of gratitude that doesn't give you anything tangible and i know that these words do nothing to better your situation but believe me if i had anything myself then i would have supported you as much as I could and I don't even have a lot of time to read on webnovel and mostly i open this app to browse for amazing books. Anyway i am going on a tangent here so if any person is reading this review then know that this is the book that you will regret not having read it sooner so go and read and support it if you are a rich guy who has more money than he can spend and even those that are well off should spend on this book, you will have no regrets believe me . And author of you are reading this then get better soon and finish ten more books like this at least .😁😆🎉❤️.

  • king_of_Demons
    king_of_Demonsa year ago

    it's a good story but eventually it waned my interest in it because the author created a lot of chaos in the story but it left many plotholes as the story progressed and it's too slowpaced as well as I don't just understand logic of mc it seems he makes decisions with the flow like there is not code he sticks with and does whatever he likes even if it is something opposite of what he had done before .I can keep ranting of the problems this story has and it will never end but all said and done author has build a truly unique story with lot ingenious plotdevices to keep the reader's attention and overall well written but it just won't be in the top books I have read up to date but you can give it a try it's just story has too many problems for my taste that my interest completely waned after about 200 chapters .

  • king_of_Demons
    king_of_Demonsa year ago

    it is good but it's slow paced with a lot of exciting stuff happening in between but I am sorta fan of novels that keep my blood pumping from all the mystery ,power ups and battle and plot and creative mc so it's not my taste to read a little slice of life fantasy feeling that this novel gives . overall though it's good and I would recommend if you have a lot of time on your hands and patience to enjoy a slowpace slice of life novel like this one.Hope its helpfull for the new readers. Plus point of this novel is that the sentences flow with some rythem as you read them and it rarely breaks so good writing from author , for this you have to give him credit.

  • king_of_Demons
    king_of_Demonsa year ago

    when I started reading this novel it was good but after 30 something chapters I have come to dislike a little bit our mc who for some goddamn reason feels he is responsible for misfortune of everyone around him even though it's clearly not and bro even if you had such good heart then why not go live like a hermit like his master suggested but no there is danger and I will step into it and still expect that my close associates will not be harmed at all ,like his naive thinking has me baffled and even after that when clearly the girl he had been traveling with had brought danger because of herself onto both of them and after nearly saving both their asses by risking his own life and plot armour and still is like because of me her hands got burned like bruh I would atleast be incenced if nothing else but still okay he is good guy ,what do i know what one would feel but in any case anyone who does not feel negative towards the person that has brought death upon you then he is just mental but even after all that he still has time to think about how to benefit her more like bruh your own ass is chased like a monkey and you are doing this like if author told me his personality is influenced by some trait power that other novels have i would believe him immediately because he becomes lost in the moment very easily and forgets about everything and his mind becomes blank slate that somebody can immediately fill and manipulate him and I won't be reading more to find if any character development has been made or not after this because ,simply, it's not worth it when the author himself stopped writing the novel and is last updated three years ago. To fellow readers I would suggest you read something else that will have a chance for complete story.

  • king_of_Demons
    king_of_Demonsa year ago

    man I binged watched it when it came as free read novel on the page till it was locked and man the curiosity for more ate my mind the whole night and i couldn't even sleep .Now i am waiting to read daily .

  • king_of_Demons
    king_of_Demonsa year ago

    oh I want more chapters so badly . it's torturing me everyday .There isn't any other decent novel left in this webnovel for me to read.

  • king_of_Demons
    king_of_Demonsa year ago

    This novel was good but i am dropping it .The reasons for it are -:The mc is too good and seriously I think has gone senile due to old age ,like he just doesn't understand it that he will get killed and that others will kill him , honestly he should be dead right now many times and i haven't even read till a paywall of the novel comes ,he is alive only due to plot armour and I don't think character development will happen so I am leaving.

  • king_of_Demons
    king_of_Demonsa year ago

    okay i read it but it was just so so.i was interesting while it lasted . its's a wasted potential novel.

  • king_of_Demons
    king_of_Demonsa year ago
    Balas Codel

    bro it's he who doesn't know but they surely know based on how even a store manager knows it ,they probably trained hard without potion in the start but when they figured they don't have necessary talent then resources are only choice for a fast powerup even if it comes with a cost ,honestly instead of posting these comments why don't you just enjoy a story without too much reading in between the line and go with the flow the writer intends you to ,you can always justify these technical plot holes with something else for your convenience .If it was character development or major plot hole or mc does something that is out of a character it was set out to be and you don't like then you free to read other books because if you can't like a character then you will always find problems in plot .I am saying this with experience so take it as a advice and don't get offended