Hi guys I'm here to find inspiration for my books!
Membaca buku-buku
It's called plot armour. Just badly hidden cuz author got no ideas
Bro started off wishing to live in a fantasy world, now that he's actually there he's more scared than all his schoolmates. All bark no bite coward MC ahhh
Shhh common sense is not a thing in this AI generated world
I'm at chapter 750-ish, MC's feelings for Zoey are so forced and their entire relationship feels so uncomfortable. A couple hundred chapters ago I assumed he'd finally break up with the arrogant bih after how she treated him then she'd regret it then I got here and he's still simping for no reason. Do mind that he literally fell for her at first sight for no reason and neither of them have had any meaningful connection build, just felt eww and ruined the story for me. It sucks a lot cuz I RARELY drop novels this far in but I am just disgusted by the simp MC
He's obviously just feeling lust towards her so he doesn't want to do what's best for them both by letting go
MC isn't much better than the original husband. Leave the poor woman alone, she probably has trauma just looking at your face. Just stay officially married but buy her a new residence and tell her you won't see her anymore, pay child support and live your own life. As for how he pays her obviously his new golden finger.
Bloodline is not the same as talent
Yeah you'd think that luck did something...more obvious? Cuz rn it's rlly underwhelming for an SSS rank talent regardless of logical explanations. Fr now it just seems like an excuse for the author to give MC item drops that he needs. Like bro can't he at least do what his cat did, sensing where an area of opportunity is?
I remember commenting on one of the first chapters praising MC's intelligence and hoping it lasts. Sadly author has fallen prey to the common disease of intelligence nerfing MC. Sadly this probably won't even be the dumbest thing he does. What happened to MC who considered the double meanings behind the mysterious dude's words and came up with Guerilla tactics with his hawk too? Ahhhh, just stop nerfing his IQ pls
Don't change him he's perfect lol. Woman gonna get what she deserves for being an entitled brat