The cats in my PFP and Banner are named Casper and Shadow (they are my cats)
Membaca buku-buku
Portals go both ways
Velmont? Reminds me of Belmont.
8000 chapters over 12 years is about 666.6667 chapters per year, meaning it’s about 1.83 per day. That’s some really consistent writing.
I dont really know how binding vows work or what they are really, so maybe? Idk tho
I'm making the skill powerful enough to be a unique skill, while not being as powerful as an ultimate skill. I know that you have to have an ultimate skill to affect someone with an ultimate skill, and similarly so with unique skills. So she most defiantly cannot affect all the powerful beings. I also have my own way that I'm going to balance the skill... but telling a ton about my plans for her skills would defeat the purpose of having her discover the extent of her powers along with the reader. What I will say about her skills though is that they are strong but not super overpowered. There will be counters and restrictions on it. Now for her journey, she will not stay with Rimuru the whole time. I was planning to have her break off from him rather early, and I made her an equal and a friend instead of a subordinate to allow for this. Finally, for fighting, she'll be competent. A Mage-type fighter, mainly relying on the versatility of her skills and creative usage of them. Also, she won't seek out fighting similarly to rimuru as that's not her cup of tea. Hope this cleared some things up! Thanks for leaving a comment. (I tried to avoid spoilers as best as I could, and if you need any further specification I can do that. I try to keep as updated as I can with comments!)
Someone with the power to summon infinite bagels can beat someone with the power of fire manipulation if they try hard enough
I hope the story is still enjoyable for you 😢
Tbh I did this to get to relativity (a skill I made up for the purpose of the fanfic), although upon researching it further you are correct and there can be multiple of any skill. Albeit, they just won't be the same in practice because of the user. I may change this in the future if I edit the chapter, thank you for pointing this out.