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Read the New Sinopsis.
Sorry! I don't understand.
What my AI says. oh the forties, when a jazz musician was a Snoop. Yes, the 1940s were a period of great musical creativity, and many jazz musicians were known as Snoops. This was because they used to spend most of their time listening and learning new tunes in taverns or night clubs. Were they associated with gangs? Some jazz musicians were associated with gangs in the 1940s. This was especially true for those who played in nightclubs, where they were frequently harassed by members of various bands. What were their activities? Jazz musicians in the 1940s often played in nightclubs, bars, and taverns. They also participated in musical jam sessions with other musicians, where they could explore new styles and techniques. Eventually, some also linked up with local gangs for protection against harassment or threats of violence.
202$$- 1942.
too late
Yes, something like that, but it doesn't go back in time.