


Writer in passion, Engineer in profession.

2023-01-27 JoinedIndia



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Year 2268 The Towers Of Heaven descended in Planet Solaris. Humanity never faced an invasion like this before. Many people tried to fight their way but still, hundreds of thousands perished. God-Slaying Army descended from never-ending heaven reaching towers. With incredible power and might, they swept their way in, destroying every resistance in their path. Soon, Magic and Mana were introduced into the world. People started to change, becoming more powerful than before. Nature started to restore itself too.  Many understood and embraced the gift from the Towers. Solaris entered into a New Era of development. Thousands of guilds were built, they disregarded the countries' previous borders and fought with each other for more land, wealth and power. Wars were fought, many died and talented people rose to the top of the world. Gods controlled everything that was happening from the Shadows and Towers kept everyone in check. But, was that it all? Did those Gods and Towers come just to tend to a dying planet and to improve and teach Humanity a new way of life? No. -------- Year 2283 The Preparatory phase for the Planet Solaris ended, which marked the End of Civilized Society. Tribulations of The Great Chaos began suddenly. The barrier separating and protecting Solaris for the last 15 years, shattered completely. With that, many continents emerged on the heart of the planet.  Myriad races came and developed themselves in those continents for the last 15 years when Humanity was busy fighting between themselves for supremacy. The Towers and the Gods did not stop them, they secretly laughed at the pathetic petty nature of the Humans. When all the other races emerged, for the first time Humanity felt the Threat of Death and Extermination. Facing the impending death and devastation, many two-faced changed their side and joined the other races. Rise of the Dark Side became certain. -------- Adrian Kaith, a human warrior, fought to the bitter end like others in a majestic Royal Hall. Adrian, who started his life as a Non-Awakened person and a Slave, always fought his way in to destroy the shackles bound him. But when he appeared on the 55th Floor of Abyss to take down the Demon King Lucifer in a kamikaze attack, he understood the other party was already aware of their arrival. Even after getting betrayed by their comrades, Adrian and Fifty of his companions from the Shadow Legion choose the fight, rather than submit. Even after fighting with their all, they realized they were no match for their opponents at all. Adrian's trusted comrades fought to the bitter end and sacrificed themselves to give him a chance. A Last fighting chance to change the History. -------- Adrian Kaith came back to the past, just two days before the Preparatory Phase for Solaris ended and the First tribulation of The Great Chaos Era began. Adrian composed himself. He will not make the same mistakes anymore. Although he is Non-Awakened and a Slave at this point, he will change everything. He already saw the future. Adrian Kaith promised himself, "This time, I will fight for the Hegemony. It doesn't matter the people opposes me are Powerhouses, Dark Side, Allies, or Other Races. I'll destroy each one of them to rise to the top and rule over them with an iron fist.  Last time, I fought like a hero to save people, but not only did they betray me, but they also betrayed their race to safeguard themselves in these troubling times. This time, I'll become the Necessary Evil, to save Humanity from their scourge.  With sufficient Strength and Intrigue, from now, I'll not allow the History to repeat itself". Follow Adrian Kaith, his future comrades, and followers on the path of his Hegemony, where he will rise to the top, becoming the Supreme. *** Note : I purposely made this Synopsis (Abstract) long to help people understand the General Background Story of the Novel. # I don't own the Cover, it's Collected. I'll remove the Cover if any problem arises. ***

MonarchOfHell · Fantasy
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7 Chs


.................... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tags : Ancient & Mythical Races, Dragons, Demons, Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Vampires, Beast-Men, Humans. Schedule : 4-5 Chapters a Week as of now (Later I will try to release more Chapters in a week). Chapter Length : 1200 - 2600 Words (On an Average). Chapter Max Length : 3500 - 4500 Words (Sunday / Holiday Surprise). Warnings : First of all, This Picture is collected. If you want to change it, you can message me. I will design an exclusive cover picture later. The Synopsis will change after some more chapters, because it does not actually show the Real Novel Content. And, This story is not only about the MC (Male Character/Lead). This story is about the Rebirth of a Monarch & His Powerful Companions. So, Character building for every important person will take place. And also, it will be a very long Novel, almost comprising 5-6 Volumes with near to 100 Chapters in Each Volume. And, this story will also have a Harem Section in it, So, no Under-Age (Below 18) is allowed. And lastly, Read the Novel to have a Good Time after a Tiring Day. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For now, if you find this story enjoyable, please support the story. & If you want to support me, The Lazy Author of this Novel, I will think about it later. Happy Reading Times. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

MonarchOfHell · Fantasy
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