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Why does he porposefully walk into danger that is unecxeaary he could just play it safe and deal with Lucas and the others one by one. I Get the fact that he want to take control and live with it and be active but putting you loved one in danger to not be passive is foolishness imo.
I hope this message finds you well. I'm reaching out as an avid reader who has been completely captivated by Rebirth of the Strongest Tycoon. The portion I've read has left me utterly spellbound, and I'm writing with a heartfelt request to experience the rest of this remarkable work. Here's why I'm so eager to read more: Compelling Storytelling: The narrative has gripped me from the very first page, and I find myself constantly thinking about the characters and plot. Unique Perspective: The fresh viewpoint offered in this book has challenged my thinking and broadened my horizons. Emotional Investment: I've become deeply invested in the story and characters, and I'm anxious to discover how their journeys unfold. Literary Merit: The quality of writing is exceptional, and I believe this book has the potential to make a significant impact in its genre. I'm hoping you might consider sharing the remaining chapters with a dedicated reader.
Your ham-fisted attempt to manufacture tragedy reeks of amateurish storytelling and a fundamental misunderstanding of character development. The protagonist's inexplicable delay in utilizing the rejuvenation potion until after the demise of their loved ones is not only illogical but also serves as a blatant contrivance to elicit cheap emotional responses from the audience. This hackneyed approach to creating pathos undermines the very essence of the reincarnation premise, inherently suggests a level of maturity and wisdom in the main character. Furthermore, the contrived timing of the protagonist's arrival, conveniently timed to preclude any meaningful response or action, is nothing short of narrative malpractice. This lazy plot device insults the intelligence of the reader and betrays a lack of creativity on the part of the author. In essence, this forced tragedy not only fails to enhance the story but actively detracts from it, reducing what could have been a nuanced exploration of growth and relationships to a maudlin exercise in emotional manipulation. It's a disservice to both the character and the audience, squandering the potential of the reincarnation premise in favor of trite melodrama.
How tall is atticus?
Waste my coins*
Personally i fond this whole arc childish and nausating like come one just Get it over with in one chapter dont want to esset nu coins on this
Could you cut out the plot of gangsters going after mcs gf like first time was enough. And it makes no fucking sense what does this have to do the story, is the mc going to establish a PMC if not just cut it out because its gettig annoying to read.
I find it irritating that you always place the protagoist in situations where there are extinuating factors which he has no way of dealing with. It may appear that atticus should have known this but the only reason he exposes himeself to this was to kill all the others, but they somehow always get saved. LIke come one be consistent.
why didnt seraphim kill those in the obsidian order???
Im fucking getting irretated you say the raveinsteins are the strongest but then why are they so fucking volnerable. Ffs everything feels so forced