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And Ollivander knows that wizards also use his wands for food.
Why make such a complicated beginning. This amount of unnecessary information gave me a headache. Next time, do it gradually, and don't turn everything into a dump where you just dump information.
Wow! How did the author jump from 78 million to 100 billion? Did I miss 500 chapters?
So this is an alternate universe. In my opinion, this guy is a nobody. Well, the author knows better.
Good translation. But you should be more selective in choosing novels to translate. This story is disgusting.
It's a pleasure to read. I hope the story doesn't turn into a collection of Pokemon in the person of girls.
So this is a satire on the fact that Lin Fan is a cliched name. Or that this name is in every third novel.
The author wrote too few words. We create a stupid situation out of thin air. And now we can continue writing about nothing.
Fun fact that there is a mountain of garbage techniques in the Konoha library. In fact, this is the easiest tag.
What nonsense. The blood will rush too much to the head, which can lead to fainting and other consequences.