I’m currently into fanfics atm Discord: @wmarshmallows Instagram: @oceanedsky
Membaca buku-buku
With jealousy**
My friend told me that jing dies and that mc don’t end up with both mls, I was wondering if I was lied to😭could u tell me since I’d rather not read a sad story
There’s no reason for him to even keep it
I feel he will regret this
The writing was awesome I personally enjoyed that one M scene where the top becomes bottom
I bet Daphne will follow him one day and discover his familiar since it seems she’s destined to be nosy
It’s a good read in general if you just want something to pass the time with
This is very good I didn’t find it boring
“I can see your drive your hunger to surpass me” SO CRINGEY
Danzo will target you and hiruzen will try to brainwash you idiot Better to lay low while your weak