


▪︎big trouble maker that writes what he wants▪︎

2022-10-24 JoinedGlobal



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  • Panlos
    Panlos2 years ago
    Replied to Nafisa_Khan_1530

    Hey, hi! Well, probably this week -- I'm recovering from some family issues and I had surgery (nothing too serious), but I'll be posting normally again soon!

  • Panlos
    Panlos2 years ago

    (Temporary Concept Art -- Not 100% precise) (Respective rights to the image go to their original owners -- contact me if you want me to take the image down!) [img=recommend]

  • Panlos
    Panlos2 years ago

    Next chapter we'll see some of Lughys and Alicia's combat capabilities and (spoiler) -- the system's first mission and an explanation of how it works! Hope you like it :)

  • Panlos
    Panlos2 years ago

    Hello. I decided to publish an honest review of this novel of mine, in some attempt to explain what new readers are about to read. Frankly, I'm not going to be arrogant and claim that this is one of the best works you'll find on this site, however I can assure you that this is an interesting and detailed journey down to the last detail. For starters, I'm just going to do a quick summary of the pros and cons that can (and will) be seen in the first 30 chapters -- that is, Volume 1 (Power Takes Time). This is the story of a boy, whose name Lughys Barastrosa -- before being adopted, Lughys Verlane -- who, due to a mysterious system that calls him the "Thirteenth Candidate", awakens latent posthumous memories of a past life. Soon, he remembers and realizes that he is a disposable villainous character who can be killed at any moment in the future plot that will unfold in this world. So, striving to prepare as best he can, Lughys will make it possible to strengthen himself until the main plot takes part [This is basically the story told in volume 1]. Good qualities of this novel (currently): 1 - Good Writing Quality (Solid 4.5 to 5, in my opinion). 2 - Good Character Description (Maybe 4 stars) 3 - World descriptions, actions, locations and excellent thoughts (4 to 5, in my opinion). There are some others favorable aspects, but I'll let you find out as you read. Anyway, the cons are: - Medium and very large chapters (1200 to 2400 maximum. - Some chapters may seem too trivial or too disposable. -Some characters mentioned may not have the expected relevance. Amon some other problems to be identified by current and potential readers. From all the above, I must say, in an honest opinion, that you give this work of mine a chance. Those who like it, leave your reviews as soon as possible and potential readers, I hope they at least enjoy this book of mine. [Current Rating: 4 to 4.4 stars]

  • Panlos
    Panlos2 years ago
    Replied to Fisherman_Dream

    Thanks for reading! By the way, I'll try to make the story as interesting as you and other readers hope! :)

  • Panlos
    Panlos2 years ago
    Replied to 3ddy

    I will just say that there is a possibility for it...