hello there !! really not alot to type about myself haha , just a guy who likes to read and maybe write <3
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I get what you are trying to say, and I respect it. it is just that I lean to the more logical explanations other than that he becomes ape iq when he deals with Danzo. it is not consistent with logic or maybe it is just bad writing. it is much more logical that he is a politician who knows how to have 2 faces and know how to set up scapegoats. as these types of hypocrites are very common in our real lives
bro hiruzen had been hokage for decades and is an old fox. when 1 time we can call it a ''coincidence'' 2 times maybe idk. 3 times then no amount of mental gymnastics can divert from the fact that danzo and hiruzen are cut from the same cloth. two sides of the same coin. this might fly over the heads of kids watching the anime but not adults. either he is blind deaf and crippled, or he is a hypocrite who acts all sunny and shiny will of fire bs but is an old fox Politian using danzo as a scapegoat. which is 100% the case here. need me to remind you that the uchiha were pushed countless times ruthlessly and for YEARS before they had no choice but to choose rebellion? it took them to getting killed in the fking village for them to decide on the coup. it wasnt just shisui who died btw. go read itachi novel by the author. and hiruzen kept saying bs like we can ''negotiate'' for years yet not even once sat with fugaku lmao.
as the hokage with anbu and barrier squad under his command. he absolutely had the ability to investigate and know about all root and danzo operation inside the village. so, it is insanely unbelievable and like I said needs mental gymnastics to convince me the third didn't know and didn't secretly condone danzos' actions
bro isn't it crazy that shisui died the moment he told the elders he was going to use koto on the clan? what a coincidence that the only one who had the means and greed to do it also knew about shisui plan and koto. also coincidently killing shisui at the eve of the plan. hiruzen: hmmmmmmm I wonder who other than me knew about it and had the means and greed to do it hmmmmmmmmm
it is a true canon event tho. while it didnt say hiruzen had to do anything with the smearing campaign. he also didnt do anything about it or stop it or come forward to stop the rumors. such an act for someone on the hokage seat tell us alot. also how did the village even knew about the details of an S rank mission? it is really sus lol.
I dont agree. shisui was way too idealistic and naive. he would be a great slav- i mean a loyal subordinate. but not really a leader. he lacks decisiveness and shrewdness. the 3rd and danzo walked all over him and his clan. made him a stupid double agent. and he even confessed his ms abilities which honestly the dumbest thing anyone did in the series. and he is way too weak willed. he let danzo get away with his eye even though he managed to run away. and actually decided to kill himself when he was at the crossroads to choose a side. dumbing all the responsibility on the equally dumb itachi who was literally a kid.
even if they couldnt match him . he cant force them lol. they r not his slaves. he still need their consent for such arrangments. they isnt a war arranfment lol
you rn :
you rn:
what is that? i didnt understand