

2022-09-07 BergabungNigeria





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  • AuthorBeauty
    AuthorBeautya year ago

    My books from light reader are all here... If you are wondering who the author of this book is.. Her name is beauty Israel.. You can follow her on her new Instagram page @ author_beautyisrael Facebook @ authorbeauty Or email her at beautyisrael5@gmail.com

  • AuthorBeauty
    AuthorBeautya year ago

    My books from light reader are all here... If you are wondering who the author of this book is.. Her name is beauty Israel.. You can follow her on her new Instagram page @ author_beautyisrael Facebook @ authorbeauty Or email her at beautyisrael5@gmail.com

  • AuthorBeauty
    AuthorBeautya year ago

    Hi, my beautiful readers, I'm the author of this novel, I hope you are getting ready for a cool ride? There are going to be some hit up chapters down the road, I hope you put on your sunglasses and support this story with a five star *wink* If you want to ask me anything, hit my email box @ beautyisrael5@gmail.com or Instagram @author_beautyisrael

  • AuthorBeauty
    AuthorBeauty2 years ago
    Balas LegalWolf

    It means "Detective Chief Superintendent"

  • AuthorBeauty
    AuthorBeauty2 years ago
    Balas LegalWolf

    Thanks, more chapters on the way

  • AuthorBeauty
    AuthorBeauty2 years ago

    Wow 😮 this book is going to be a wonderful read, just added it to my library, waiting for more chapters. after going through the first 4 chapters I decided to I'm going to keep reading.

    Buku ini telah dihapus.

I Married A Crazy CEO

Synopsis Aurora only finds out a day before her wedding that she was not even a member of the Carlos family. The family she has known all her life. But that didn't seem surprising, as she was always treated like she wasn't part of the family and yes, indeed, she wasn't. It would have been kind on the part of Carlos's family to let her in on their little secret from the beginning, but no. They only wanted to keep her in the family and continue squandering her late parent's fortune. killing her guardians when she was just two years and taking over to be Aurora's new guardians was a game changer for the Carlos family who now runs the fortune of The Benson's Empire. Now Aurora is Twenty Years and set to get married to Larry. Larry is a big shot, he's every woman's dream man, and Aurora's sisters Ava and Mia think Larry was a dumbass for choosing to marry Aurora who doesn't fit to even clean their shoes.  Yes, she doesn't, and that is because she does all the housework and got nothing for it.  While her two sisters go shopping for expensive dresses, she's either scrubbing floors or cooking for the whole family. What Aurora didn't understand is why she always accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Carlos to the bank at least three times a week and they made her sign some documents without explanation. That is the only time they carry her in their expensive car. "Is fine, you can wait in the car," she was often told after signing the papers. Now she's standing on the edge of a bridge contemplating suicide.  her heart was about to explode with grief, she can't believe Larry was having sex with her sister a day before their wedding. "I have to end it here. " The tears roll down her face as she stares at the calm water below her. "Hey! You can't die in my space!" She heard a voice behind her.  “Aw, you can go to that end and die there, that place you are standing is my space, I’m the one to die there,” Could it be that this voice is the voice of her Savior? Then why is it sounding like someone who wants to commit suicide the very day she wants to end it all? Join the discord to chat with the author and other readers. https://discord.gg/d3tgmnj2 https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100091799326341 Instagram: Author_Beautyisrael

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