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Yeah sure she is strong trainer and her Garchomp is monster but Naoki is in entirely diffrent league now with Koraidon, Flutter Mane and Dragonite. The only factor that could make a difference would be the commanding skills which I am sure Cynthia must be better than him by quite a margin.
Yes they include Paradox Pokémon as well as Ultra Bests. As for unique varients I don't know yet.
Actually what is a avrage pay for the job? I tried to look into it but couldn't find the accurate numbers.
Yeah but Shield is not going to sell it legally, speailly with so many eyes constantly on them.
The problem is that the face of DC are two heroes who are strongly against killing and on numerous occasions had gone out of their ways to save their foes so it creates that image for people who only know of DC from movies or reddit posts ranting about Batman and have never personally consumed other comics of these heroes.
He isn't going chronologically. He can choose any game he wants with only condition being that he has to complete the selected game before moving onto the another one.