Membaca buku-buku
thanks For the Chapter ! 💪
bro being karen to a woman
its a good novel , But the pace is too slow for me :"
Me too
Im sorry but ,To be honest it feels forced .. how in the world a random strranger broke into their house without a "cat" Gods Knowing ? I mean ,Even if they didnt have a murdereous intent ..They Still Has A bad Intention right ? Like kidnappinh his mom ? .. and even if the cat is in a weak state .. its Still a cultivator right ? And its not a regular cat .. but a higher level one ( a god) how come the cat cant smell a random stranger or hear their breathing ? I mean he was a cultivator and higher level cat his sense of hearing and smell should be stronger than Any low level human cultivator
thankss .. for the novel :"itu
bruh.. what happen to his mother and sister in that dimension then ? they still has a huge debt ,And the only men in their family has gone now .. I feel bad for they
author really hate jp huh :"