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A compelling read by all standards. Though I must admit from your description it made wish you had included a pic of Flower. Good effort.
Wow! This book provides an amazing reading experience. One especially appreciates your excellent command of English. Well done Melvin Dash.
It's different from anything I have read, that's for sure. It is rather face paced and easy to follow with use of simple language.
This is an amazing read. Plus your excellent command of English adds to the pace for an unrivalled reading experience. Well done author.
The storyline presents an interesting take on the relationship between a game and a user. I find it to be fast paced and quite immersive, it's though as you read you as the reader become caught up in the game just like An Jianxin. A very good read I will say.
The storyline has that high powered corporate feel about it that I like. I must compliment you on your excellent command of language which adds to effortless enjoyment of the book. Good job 👍.
One gets a sense of an excellent command of language.That alone coupled with the simplicity of expression for me adds to reading experiensce, giving the book a pace of its own. An outstanding read.
One gets a strong sense of an excellent command of language. There's also a sense of being very fast paced. I 've never come across anything quite like this book. It's different I 'll say.
Well done author you have a great plot. The storyline is fast paced and just draws the reader to want to read on. Nicely done.
Interesting opening to a high school romance flick. Seeing it from the perspective of a teenage girl gives an interesting insight into the feelings on the other side of the gender discourse. The pace is not bad either. I would advise you take time to proof read your work though. Otherwise not a bad job at all.