


90% worldbuilding 10% actual writing gigachad infrequent updating enjoyer

2022-08-03 BergabungGlobal





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  • AzraelLM
    AzraelLM2 years ago
    Balas AzraelLM

    I also wanted to add that despite not being the author's first language, he writes better than many people in comparison.

  • AzraelLM
    AzraelLM2 years ago

    This story feels generic, and the story so far is cliche. However, cliche isn't necessarily bad. So far, the plot reads like most fantasy isekai. Same tropes that can be found in stories like this. The main characters and world are nothing to write home about, but I'm sure with enough time they will develop. However, I appreciate the fact that its LitRPG element isn't too prevalent like many other stories and their "systems". Those can be jarring for the readers, reading numbers upon numbers between paragraphs. The pacing is decent thay it is not too slow nor too fast; just right for this kind of story. There are many minor grammar mistakes, such as lack of periods in some sentences and some non-noun words that are capitalized. I dislike the use of omatopoeias in between paragraphs, but it is my personal preference more than anything. Word choice and descriptions leads to be desired. I also applaud the story's constant and stable updates, which keeps the story alive. However, with enough time, I think this story will improve.

  • AzraelLM
    AzraelLM3 years ago

    As I read this novel, I find the grammar and word choice wanting. What can be improved is the lack of capitalization at the beginning of some sentences and proper nouns, the word choice can be better by using synonyms for certain repeating words, and the lack of plural nouns (-s or -es), or the missing words in many sentences. The prose is lacking in general, as I find my immersion interrupted by these. Can't say much about the main character, the only character so far because of a lack of characterization, nor the world itself. The system of this world is mundanely familiar because of the multitude of stories with the same premise, the same tropes, and the plot is still at its fetal stage. Overall, it is not the best, nor the worst, but that means it has a lot of improve through rounds and rounds of edits.

  • AzraelLM
    AzraelLM3 years ago

    One quality that I like in this story is that the prose is smooth like the author wrote it with care, and the tone is lighthearted; easy to read. The author also updates very frequently, which is great for its short chapters. The pace fits the kind of novel that it is, as it focuses on the development of its characters. How the characters interact with each other feels organic, and you can empathize with them. I feel like the author's strong suit is how he writes his characters and the lighthearted tone and smooth prose that comes with it. Although so far the world background is limited, that is because there are only a few chapters so far. The worldbuilding is not as exhaustive as other works, but it doesn't have to be. One can make the mistake of turning their novel into an info dump after all.