Someday I'll write a novel to satisfy myself.
Membaca buku-buku
You're welcome. But what do you mean you don't bother saw it? At least tell me why it's there. Even though you didn't enter any contests.
Thanks.The chocolates were delicious
because of his lineage and his bloodline?
I also like obedient girls with a strong personality, like a tiger with everyone, and with me she's a cat, and not just because she's obedient, she's stupid. She's smart, so she knows my likes and dislikes and avoids them, and she does my wishes so as not to annoy me and make me happy, and I also do her wishes and we are happy, that's my favorite type. The comments here are weird. Weird people. If there are people who hate this type, I don't know what to tell you except that you're stupid. I don't know why, but a lot of readers are sensitive.
Note: you sent the same meme twice.
hmmm okay have good day🎄
like that XD
I remember reading a comment somewhere where you were arguing with an author and you said you were a young teenager, so how did you drink all that stuff??, or did I misunderstand something?