I am the fountain; I never run dry... I am the water; I never drown... Bibliophile 📖 Lectiophile ... Writing is my addiction...
Membaca buku-buku
It's a new book and I'm loving it. It's got thrills and Ann's past is 😬. However... A little bit touch up on the tenses in the story. It kinda switches from past to present continuous. That aside, this is a good book with great potential. Well-done, darling author!
thank you 😊
thank you for checking it out
Not at all. Updates begin tomorrow, GMT+1
noted 😊
I've been sick. Updates will resume soon as I'm much better
wanna share?
Thanks but, do you earn from dropping same comment on every single billionaire book you come across? just asking
it's not from a manwha. and if it is, i don't know which.
thanks! I'm glad you are enjoying it!