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Welcome back Bro. I was waiting for an update. Hope you can finish this book [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=update]
Desde que empeze a leer tuve la sensacion de haberlo leido en algun momento, comenze a buscar y resulta que esta ficcion es una copia palabra por palabra de Customa made by demon king. Asique autor, no sea desvergonzado y al menos de los créditos a quien se lo merece.
-Demasiados errores ortográficos -En algunos capítulos hablas de la importancia de los secretos, pero cuentas todo lo relacionado a tus poderes a tus padres... para mi eso es un gran No. Con la cantidad de seres que pueden leer la mente en ese mundo, da la impresión que simplemente no le importa su familia al contarles todo. - Usas mucho las estadisticas en cada capitulo. Mucho de lo escrito es Número y niveles del sistema. - Usas IA? - Creo firmemente que falta desarrollo de sus habilidades , el hecho de que empieze 15 años despues y solo pueda usar magia de viento... Es una falta de desarrollo en el esquema de magia que deseas usar. - Las relaciones se sienten monótonas, creo que es la falta de diálogo. - Veo que actualizas con frecuencia eso se aprecia. - Falta detallar la construcción del mundo y del entorno. Sería apropiado poner fechas y descripciones de donde se encuentra o localizaciones que faciliten al lector la inmersión a la lectura.
A novel full of metaphors, which unnecessarily complicate reading. You use this technique so much that the reading becomes heavy and generally hinders what you want to achieve, which in my opinion is that this novel is "interesting / attractive and has support from other readers". - The writing quality is excellent, with some almost imperceptible and minimal errors in semicolons. - A main character who tends to give the impression of someone chivalrous, educated and with the bearing of a noble, and I find him great but he's boring... More than 20 chapters have passed and nothing interesting has happened regarding him ( Not counting the first five chapters) , and so far no explanation of his motivations and what he wishes to achieve has been given. I think you have forgotten something important, you are in a universe full of action/events and you are writing what in my opinion is more of a romantic novel, since more than 10 chapters have been dedicated to his relationship with Ororo (She is great as Female Lead) but it's uninteresting, the dialogues are huge and he tends to ramble so much in his conversations that it becomes tedious. -The interactions with Tony and Shield were extremely interesting, it would be great to see their future interactions again. -I think there is an excess of dialogues and descriptions, that you have not been able to moderate, you have a tendency in each chapter to use this technique that you have not been able to balance properly, making reading tiring for the reader. -The upload speed seems constant and it's great that you're able to keep it that way. PS: In general, the novel is very good, I would recommend it to pass the time. [img=recommend] PDD: Keep in mind that the first 5 chapters were extremely attractive, but the speech and / or dialogues went on too long without anything significant or important happening in several later chapters.
I am really impressed with this Fiction, I love the quality of the chapters and the thought you put into it. -Almost no grammatical errors -Constant chapter upload - Background of the world/Story developed appropriately -Development of the characters (The fact that your characters are not passersby who disappear seems great to me) -The best thing so far is the amount of words per chapter.[img=update] PD: I sincerely hope you don't give it up with this fic.[img=recommend] [GOOGLE TRANSLATE]
A rather scattered fiction in reality. (Note that I only read up to chapter 30) - To summarize the protagonist: "I think of something difficult to do and I do it easily". -An important point is that the characters are not explicitly defined at any time, one must imagine how they are without including any description (Tip: this is a Harry Potter fic, which includes characters that grow while the school years go by and not here nothing is described). -In the first year it is only said that he gathers several books but his level of knowledge is not taken into account. Just creating that game should be a revolution for the wizarding world, as it includes: Mind and Consciousness Transference, runes, advanced wand lore (I think the game detects the owner's signature? or something similar), illusion, He transmits messages by means of the tablet (wouldn't this method replace owls?), advanced alchemy, transfiguration and then space magic (teleportation). -He is a protagonist capable of doing so many things and he is still in his first year, but nothing is explained, he just does it and one is left with so many doubts and questions. -His actions do not have any impact on the story, the characters only accept what he does, period. What are their reactions? What are the consequences of their actions? What is the real impact of your presence? Remember that just by existing everything should change. Example: The game he created giving experience not only to him, but also to his enemies (Keep in mind that just colliding with a person would change everything, like the domino effect). -Then there is the fact of saving Germioni and killing a troll as if he were crushing an ant. (Is he able to kill such strong creatures that fast at this point?) It's not explained... -The chapters are uploaded quite quickly from what I see so great. -There are grammatical errors but they are few. -The upload speed seems to be quite fast and regular. I hope this helps in some way, I will continue reading since it is not boring, in fact it is interesting, but still it has too many inconsistencies that it does not describe in the review [img=recommend]
I loved the first chapter with some pretty specific exceptions on my part. 1.-For example, getting nervous renting a room... for me it was very strange. Does that really happen to anyone? Being able to speak clearly with 3 Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent entities, but not being able to speak with the girl who sells houses is like WTF 2.- The harem is simply not for me, there is already a lot of garbage that I have read and simply reading a comment from the author about having plans for a Harem was a big No for me. 3.- Ultra naive and docile protagonist, which is reflected in chapter 2, his attitude towards Steve was simply too fanatical, he practically told him everything the second he met him, that is a big red flag and it was partly what made me leave him . 4.-I loved that the chapters are long. Although a lot of it is statistics. 5.-Your character doesn't feel monotonous, but you still express too many red flags to continue reading. 6.-Your grammar is quite good and it is understood even when I use a translator, it is a great point in favor. It's also nice that you're spending time deep in the world and developing it. PS: Good luck to the author, although the stories in which the protagonist usually tells his secrets and are extremely naive are not for me, there will still be people who like it including the harem.
Un fic que se actualiza constantemente. El fondo del mundo es extraño , no se dan explicaciones de muchas cosas que suceden. Trate de leerlo pero no pude seguir, la personalidad del MC lo hizo sinceramente imposible para mi. Es como si pensara que Batman y Superman fueran invencibles, lo cual me hace cuestionar su conocimiento de los cómic, olvidando que ahora se encuentra en una realidad. Otro punto que me dificulto la lectura fue su actitud hacia los héroes. El confia 100% en ellos sin ningún motivo solo por el hecho de haber leído una historieta. Otro punto importante es que tiene entrenamiento de espionaje, sigilo , etc pero no se refleja en la escritura. Es como si tuviera 10 años y sus experiencias previas se hubiesen esfumado. No es consistente con lo que se escribe en capítulos anteriores. Falta detallar el fondo del mundo, los personajes aparecen solamente y no hay niun cuestionamiento por su parte lo cual es extraño. La calidad de escritura y/o es bastante buena, en caso de que sea una traducción la oraciones tienen sentido y la gramatica es bastante buena.
Please author add the corresponding tags. As a reader I would like to know the genre of what I read or if it is appropriate for my tastes. Is this a yuri fanfic? Do you have smut? Bloody scenes? etc... that's all.
First I would like to clarify that this is a translation, I have read several comments where they imply that this is an original work (fanfic) by the author, when the reality is not. Name: Konoha: Make Uchiha Great Again Second, and as a personal experience with this novel, it has a tendency to show that the characters are dumber and less experiments than what is shown (anime), thus giving the impression that the MC is always right, which is extremely frustrating. So don't expect much, if you want to have a good time it's fine but the ending will disappoint you. Third, the translation is actually quite good, quite readable and you make it clear what you mean .[img=recommend]