



2022-07-05 BergabungGlobal



Membaca buku-buku




  • Aleena_Summers

    Oh Little Blue I miss you I have been busy at work these days, we understand the slow update its fine and about the future tags thank you for the warning! 🐱😘😘

    Ch 196 5.43
    [BL] Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?
    LGBT+ · LittleBlueLake
  • Aleena_Summers

    i will never forget this skill of Jia 🤣🤣🤣😂

    As for his [Corruptor of Children] skill… He simply can't control it ah, there was still a limit to the blame he should burden. Much like if another person falls for his fake kindness, beauty and charms he shouldn't be forced to reciprocate out of some sort of emotional guilt, if he doesn't want to. In the end, you can't force these things; you can do your best to please the other party take your time and, effort and money to woo them, but those are not forced choices, but decisions made, just like how it was his decision to not agree. 
    [BL] Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?
    LGBT+ · LittleBlueLake
  • Aleena_Summers

    as a reader I am starting to like Jessica, I am liking this character development ☺️

    Bebe's light screen was very well informative and compiled. You could easily see how the teenager had been a fan of one of Jia Hyson's earlier works he had posted. It was a relatively comedic and flowery romance that many young maidens' who happened to find it fell in love with. It seemed the protagonist had been no exception. She commented in every single chapter, and not just a simple 'Thanks for the update' or a 'Pls more thx' but a full-on paragraph with a sentence expressing appreciation and a few more about her thoughts on the chapter. As an author, Jia Hyson may not read every reader's comments, but for those who took their time to write out such nice comments consistently, he would naturally notice and even recognise some of those comments that belonged to Jessica.
    [BL] Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?
    LGBT+ · LittleBlueLake
  • Aleena_Summers

    and I'm telling you right now! ! do it blue!

    The author has something to say: Not going to lie, I want the Count to get bottomed hard now ah _(:3」∠)_ 
    [BL] Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?
    LGBT+ · LittleBlueLake
  • Aleena_Summers

    it's okay count. . a sadomasochistic love game is really thrilling ☺️

    Count Vericus: I was ready to dedicate my heart, body and soul to this twisted, sadistic love game, only to find I wasn't even a player on the board. ( ༎ຶ ཀ ༎ຶ )
    [BL] Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?
    LGBT+ · LittleBlueLake
  • Aleena_Summers

    the misunderstanding in this part! ! i really cant't 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Count Vericus suddenly felt a bit guilty. Well, maybe he could've been a bit more generous in praise toward the other in the past. Kylan had done quite a lot, after all, more than some of his own long-term subordinates, really. Recalling the other's surprising acts of competency that he had previously dismissed so derisively, the count felt a little ashamed at his arrogance. 
    [BL] Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?
    LGBT+ · LittleBlueLake
  • Aleena_Summers
    Balas Zonnestraal

    gurl i feel you like😌

    "Alaric.. it's good you came back." With an almost strange affection, the prince lightly traces the sharp thorny vines with a dark light in his eyes. "After all, it's much too troublesome to hunt you down."
    [BL] Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?
    LGBT+ · LittleBlueLake
  • Aleena_Summers

    no darrian! your wrong! jia has more body count.

    With his larger hands, Mr Garth cradles the sides of Jia Hyson's face, the slightly rougher skin of his thumbs caressing the blue-eyed vampire's soft cheeks. "You forget, I'm not a great guy either. I've got some blood on my hands for things I'm not proud of, and I probably have a higher body count in the bedroom than you have had in all your past lives combined. My headaches make me irate and hard to deal with. I'm hotheaded, foul-tempered, and I need sex and cigarettes like fish need water." The telekinetic vampire grins toothily, "We both are pretty shit, so why not just be shit together?"
    [BL] Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?
    LGBT+ · LittleBlueLake
  • Aleena_Summers

    i can see the character development of jia in this chapter, i love it, i love how he didn't feed the seed to garth secretly, i love how he genuinely express his love for garth, telling him his background, and his opinion.

    Ch 191 5.38b
    [BL] Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?
    LGBT+ · LittleBlueLake
  • Aleena_Summers

    what a man eater 😋😋😋😋 i like that rigel started to develop his character and go out of his comfort zone, i was laughing at him being afraid this fox couple would go for his children 😂😂😂😂

    Ch 189 5.37
    [BL] Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?
    LGBT+ · LittleBlueLake
  • Aleena_Summers
    Balas That_Little_Prince

    my man is an Empress, he captures our hearts

    Prince Rigel takes in both of the other vampires' expressions and laughs bemusedly, with a hint of bitterness underlining it. "You two are quite cruel, knowing I like Alaric but still offering me such a thing. Then again," His eyes flash red, and the prince smiles beautifully, "We vampires are indeed cruel and lustful creatures. I don't hate it at all."
    [BL] Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?
    LGBT+ · LittleBlueLake
  • Aleena_Summers

    something going on wrongful direction here

    Black and silver eyes reluctantly tore away from Alaric's pretty smile to see that the more gruff-looking vampire was watching them both with a smile, a little possessiveness in his eyes but more prominent than that was the lust. With their eyes meeting, Mr Garth chuckles and gives Prince Rigel a seductive look, licking his lips before flashing a devilishly charming grin that could make most women and some men swoon.
    [BL] Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?
    LGBT+ · LittleBlueLake
  • Aleena_Summers

    rigel is about to experience something that will him happy and angry at the same time.

    Prince Rigel, who was completely unaware of all this, suddenly felt a chill down his spine.
    [BL] Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?
    LGBT+ · LittleBlueLake
  • Aleena_Summers

    i love this peaceful scenery, I'm feeling the end is near.

    Prince Rigel and Jia Hyson excitedly adjusted everything, checking what they looked like in the camera, doing a few silly poses, and even dragging Mr Garth into some, making the atmosphere very harmonious and warm. 
    [BL] Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?
    LGBT+ · LittleBlueLake
  • Aleena_Summers

    i miss you bebe

    Bebe: 'Yeah… it's a pity that you're better suited to the psychiatric ward, though.' KermitLooksOutWindowWhenRaining.jpeg
    [BL] Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?
    LGBT+ · LittleBlueLake
  • Aleena_Summers

    this shota is so adorable!

    Rigel: If your roommates are good to you, it is fair to be good back.
    [BL] Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?
    LGBT+ · LittleBlueLake
  • Aleena_Summers

    yes kylan trust them! !

    Kylan: Trust the femboys
    [BL] Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?
    LGBT+ · LittleBlueLake
  • Aleena_Summers

    i have a foreboding feeling in the next chapter, I feel that the end of this arc is coming. Little Blue Fighting!! we are anticipating for a great end!

    It's not bad to let them have a happy dream for a little longer. 
    [BL] Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?
    LGBT+ · LittleBlueLake
  • Aleena_Summers

    he really did keep up with jasmine blog, he knows so much[img=Relaxed]

    "I chose not to change my name." Kylan clenches, "It was not them rejecting me, but me rejecting them, thank you very much. Also," He raises his middle finger at the couple, uncaring of their now equally as ugly expressions, "Your eyeliner is uneven, your lipstick looks cheap, and your eyeshadow is gaudy as shit. As for you.." 
    [BL] Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?
    LGBT+ · LittleBlueLake
  • Aleena_Summers
    He glances at the male vampire from the Vericus family with no sense of familial affection at all. Thinking of an appropriate insult, Kylan recalls what the eyepatched vampire spat at him and was a little inspired. "Well, even if I find you disgusting to look at, I'm glad you found someone tasteless enough to appreciate you nonetheless."
    [BL] Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?
    LGBT+ · LittleBlueLake