

2022-06-27 BergabungGlobal



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  • DaoistazVFGr
    Balas Jay_Kabra

    All fights will end in one hit.

    I Fabricated the Techniques, but my disciple really mastered them?
    Fantasi Timur · Half a clear breeze
  • DaoistazVFGr
    Balas blackest9th

    It's good if you enjoy this novel. I've dropped it after 400 chapters (real chapters not the Webnovel "split 1 chapter to 3" chapters) because I became tired of the same repetitive pattern of the story. 400 chapters and absolutely nothing new was introduced. More so, MC's personality began to change to haughty and egoistical.

    I Fabricated the Techniques, but my disciple really mastered them?
    Fantasi Timur · Half a clear breeze
  • DaoistazVFGr
    Balas vanillacube44

    You probably stopped because the author has dropped the novel for a couple of years

    Inhuman Warlock
    Fantasi · Demonic_angel
  • DaoistazVFGr

    Turned out to be just another generic novel. Don't waste your time. Only dull, boring, monotonous, repetitive text. There are no plot, no conflict, no development. MC is extremely overpowered, his disciples are extremely overpowered. All storytelling is about MC spouting some vague random nonsense, his disciples will make breakthroughs, MC will get a rise in level, repeat million of times. Nothing else.

    I Fabricated the Techniques, but my disciple really mastered them?
    Fantasi Timur · Half a clear breeze
  • DaoistazVFGr
    Balas DaoistazVFGr

    If you want to read somewhat decent novell about cautious MC, who is afraid of death and want to live forever, it's better to read "A will eternal". Also "Top tier providence" touched a theme about teacher-disciple, but, of course, it didn't develop this theme anything deeper than "I'm your teacher from now on! Sit here and cultivate". If you would like to read a novel with proper exploration of the teacher-disciple theme it will be better to read "Library of Heaven's Path".

    Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years
    Fantasi Timur · Let me laugh
  • DaoistazVFGr

    This is absolutely ordinary just yet another generic novel with all the traits inherent to generic novel (extremely selfish and egoistic MC, almost nonexistence of plot, outrageous amount of "water" in every chapter, primite second-rate characters, total repetitiveness etc.). But this novell also has unique traits: MC through the whole novell just sit straight on his a$$ and does nothing at all till the end of story. In other generic novells MC at least does something. In this novell he does nothing. If you like to read a story about MC who does nothing you will like this novell very much.

    Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years
    Fantasi Timur · Let me laugh
  • DaoistazVFGr
    Balas KunPengx

    Demonic_angel (the author) has a very bad reputation, he abandoned almost all his novels. This one is not an exception. It has nothing to do with vacation or something like that. This novel stopped to be updated very long ago, it received updates one time per 2-4 months in the best cases.

    Inhuman Warlock
    Fantasi · Demonic_angel
  • DaoistazVFGr
    Balas Lordofkings12

    No, there are no romance and also no ending.

    Lord of Mysteries
    Fantasi · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • DaoistazVFGr
    Balas DaoistazVFGr

    Forgot to mention: there are also no challenges. MC can beat almost everyone. If he encounters enemy who he can't beat - no problem, someone powerful will pop out and save MC. The story simple and straightforward: raise level, ascend, repeat, you will never experience feeling "how interesting to know what will come next". I can't figure out for what this novel exists, I will prefer to watch "let's play" of some low quality RPG game - it's much better than read the same "let's play " in text version which this novel exactly is.

    Is that a Wisp?
    Fantasi Timur · Suiyan
  • DaoistazVFGr

    Dull, boring, repetitive. First chapters looked interesting and fresh. But very fast everything came down to "just yet another generic novel". There is no goal, no conflict, no struggles, no mysteries. Nothing. The whole story about MC undertakes missions "go from place A to place B and retrieve some thing", participates in dull fightings with small flies and explores dungeon. And everything endlessly repeats itself from city to city, from universe to universe, from realm to realm: the same events, the same organisations and guilds, even the phrases and "jokes" the same (if you consider calling someone idiot to be a joke in the first place). Out of the blue fantasy world have technologies, but not all - just internet, smartphones and computers and spaceships, while lacking necessary science foundation and necessary infrastructure. There aren't even cars. Author's world have spaceships while not have cars and everything else our own civilization have. This setting looks very crude, artificial and untrue. Author was just lazy to make up fantasy substitution for technologies but also doesn't bother to properly integrate technologies in the setting. "MC needs a way to long distance communication? Well, here is a smartphones" - that's author's attitude. The whole novel about monotonous grind with little amount of boring fights. That's all.

    Is that a Wisp?
    Fantasi Timur · Suiyan
  • DaoistazVFGr
    Balas DaoistazVFGr

    Oh, I forgot to mention the author naming chooses. Jason Statham, Van Gogh, Merlin, Baldur's Gate etc. - what this names doing in the novel? It's just ruin the atmosphere.

    Badge in Azure
    Fantasi · Deathstate
  • DaoistazVFGr

    I can't imagine what kind of brain damage a person should suffer to make a blatant spoiler for the whole novel straight in the first chapter. Amount of water and fillers in this novel are immeasurable. The plot is dull and boring to death. All storytelling looks like some logs from a game and financial reports. Ending was abrupt and incomplete. This novel is a waste of time. Only around first 50 chapters was somewhat interesting. All what followed was MC recollection of his past actions, characteristics of his equipment, countless repeating of the same things about world rules and discussions about where to go and in what colour paint walls in the MC's city. Remember your most boring work meeting - that's the content of this novel.

    Badge in Azure
    Fantasi · Deathstate
  • DaoistazVFGr

    This novel are huge complete disappointment. Because this novel have no ending at all. Instead of proper ending and epilogue author decided to wrote 30 chapters about random stu...id absolutely unrelated stuff. Not a single word was spoken about any plotline or characters. The author just cruelly spat in the face of all readers. I was prepared for the ending to be crumpled, rushed and incomplete, but for the ending to be completely absent in the novel with the "completed" status - I did not expect this at all. I feel cheated. Don't read this novel if you don't want to be disappointed.

    Lord of Mysteries
    Fantasi · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
  • DaoistazVFGr

    1 chapter per 2 months. New Tales of Demons and Gods come.

    Ch 1518 Chapter 1518
    Rise of the Demon God
    Fantasi Timur · Demonic_angel
  • DaoistazVFGr
    Balas DaoistazVFGr

    Is it so? I more often than not saw sites with pay access to content using a trick with selling content long ago published for free. For example, Webtoons - thay are still selling "the Gamer" manga chapters, which was published couple months ago on other sites, one cannot even buy all those chapters up to the present time. Or this novel - here it's ahead of other sites by 8 chapters. What does this mean? That 8 chapters are really exclusive pay content, but other 12 chapters - not. Another example: Inhuman Warlock, all 20 exclusive chapters are not available on other sites.

    Ch 382 The Crushing
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasi · Guiltythree
  • DaoistazVFGr

    On other sites already 396 published.

    Ch 382 The Crushing
    Shadow Slave
    Fantasi · Guiltythree
  • DaoistazVFGr

    A very, very, very boring adventure, diluted with a huge amount of water. But at least there is some adventure here, unlike 99% of other novels, in which the whole plot is just a dull grind. And the world in which events are taking place looks promising. My assessment: if you have nothing else to read, you can read this novel, you will even see some interesting moments.

    Shadow Slave
    Fantasi · Guiltythree
  • DaoistazVFGr
    Balas yohananmikhael

    Hi. Spoilers are not the thing which one should use to make connections with future events or show readers what to expect from the novel. It's like at the start of a detective story write who are the murder. And fillers is things which have no influence on a plot, not the "slow pace" of a story development. Better to let readers explore secrets of the world together with main character than expose them right away. And again - personality disorder as main plot hook? Why?

    Sage's Cultivation: Mage in Cultivation World
    Fantasi Timur · yohananmikhael
  • DaoistazVFGr
    Balas prada_murthy

    The author is good at the regularity of updates - until after a year he loses interest in the novel and abandons it, as has already happened with 3 of his other novels.

    The Accidental Vampire
    Fantasi · Demonic_angel
  • DaoistazVFGr
    Balas 762mill

    So you have absolutely nothing to say, except for the most general phrases and repetition of the word "good"? Where are the specifics, details? What was this imaginary "character development"? In this novel, the characters are not even worked out, they are all the same. Dreaming Demon, for example, was just doing minor errands for the main character. What enemies were there with a unique story? Why do you lie? What are these situations about which it was interesting how the main character would get out of them? There were no such.

    Birth of the Demonic Sword
    Fantasi Timur · Eveofchaos