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"Let the flames lick my skin - burn away this outward shell so my soul may finally be free."
Cordelia VonElilse reached to touch the circular brand on her shoulder. She shuddered. Her feet felt unsteady beneath her on the dock of the ship. Dangerous thoughts swirled around her as she gazed out over the dark ocean water. A thick fog trailed behind the red vessel as it cut through the water, letting the wind take them further from her home. She stood there and watched as the city by the sea was swallowed up in the cloud. The lights glowing from the buildings barely cut through the silver mist.
She felt a steady hand rest on her shoulder. She was so engrossed in her thoughts she hadn't felt the tall man walk up behind her.
"We will fix this... I promise." There was confidence in Lyonis Tualon's voice, but she couldn't help but sense the apprehension and worry in his movements. Shame filled her gut. Her very presence was putting people she cared for in grave danger. How could she live with herself?
She felt a sudden urge to throw herself off the ship - let the inky black saltwater absorb her as if she were made of foam. The clock was ticking - either they would find her, or her mind would consume itself.
Updates twice a week! Every Tuesday & Friday!
Cover art by me! IG@yellow.bird.art
deserttrash · Fantasi