Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to listen about our lord and savior, Mr. Fool?
Membaca buku-buku
I know this was a long time ago, but what happened to the nun and the little girl from Ishtarra? Was the little girl that Michass saw die her?
Samael: Between heaven and earth, I am the only Chad.
If Sam had brought Aurieth, he would have already made octopus sushi with Reyne
Between heaven and earth, I am the only Goat. — Samael, 2025.
I like that Sam's battles are never easy (I know he's hiding his strengths to fight the Three Stooges). He will probably become very OP later on, so expect him to fight enemies with a higher rating than him, Since its original card, golden sword and mark has ridiculous potential. Either way, the spirits seem ridiculously Op, with powers that affect even reality at higher levels and not just the spirits, the SSS ranks also have very powerful abilities. I wonder what will happen to these top 25 characters, I mean, unlike the main characters in the game who have fate favoring them and a lot of potential,They look like... uhh... ehhh... their skills are cool, but I wonder if they'll be able to keep up to the point where they won't be forgotten.
The world of YMPoV feels very alive. All the characters have motivations and stories. Calem being obsessed with Sam after Sam steals him seems like a very natural thing to do and would definitely happen, but I wasn't able to see it coming because I just treated him as a comic relief character, that would be forgotten after the entrance exam arch. I hope Sam helps Calem after his skill evolves and he goes through character development.
Uhh, will it be the two princes and Sam's sister against Sam and Michael (And maybe Alexia?) or will it be everyone against the Goat Samael? Well, whatever the team is, it doesn't change the fact who will be the MVP.
Will he get close at the end of the novel?
She should have finished first before kissing someone else. She's the one in the wrong here.
With each chapter that passes, I like Mc even more