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this is all vastor fault because he told no one the danger that family was in. he put all their lives in danger. let's see if the only protection can stop this mess smh
sweet dream or beautiful nightmare? my money is on beautiful nightmare
the stupidest thing he has done so far is to use extraction in front of high level experts. he is aware but does it anyway. everything else he gets a pass because he had no choice but to do them.
well with her ability to control the dead it would be easy for her. however then at that time her powers wasn't as her current self but even still her ability to make wounds worse is still opp and has grown since coming back as a master. the reason i would assume is probably to claim her mother's body if it's still there idk if she could make use of it even if it's in one piece idk if she can control bones
ok not bad 👍🏾 however I feel he's leveling to fast I want to read at least 5000 chapters or more i also like that the main character adapted to being a vampire the moment it happened and we don't have to read about him accepting he's a vampire in a long drawn out way.
I'll give this book a try, although I'm worried because I see this author has two other books still in its early stages, hoping it wont' slow down or halt the progression of this book, like I've seen with other authors. I want to read a great vampire story and I hope I found it with this author.
🗣️ relesase the kraken ❗❗ 1 minutes later ..,. 😅 sir it just died😒
be careful what you wish for ... what if his wish kills Neff and that echo is actually the real Cassie she herself said she was going to die soon 👀
i m thinking the same because looking at how she started this nightmare
i believe Cassie is corrupted and she's going to die because she already foreshadowed her death many chapters ago. the only way she lives is if sunny somehow changes her fate because that was also a distant topic. i also believe it was Cassie that infected them all because as soon as she entered all the seers were already infected except for her i think she was too and possibly been there a lot longer than what she said but the thing that doesn't add up is how is she acting normal and infected so that's what is making me think 🤔 maybe I'm wrong 😔 i do know she already knows she's going to die she just didn't say when