

2022-06-10 BergabungGlobal





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This is just a joke. everything you read is only a product of the writer's imagination . Plagiarism is a crime. Please do not copy, or if you wish to copy this piece. The summary or the image only is, you can ask permission from the author.. this is the story of four maiden names. Chae-won, Kim rae, chang-min and Ji-woo. they are the four young ladies with famous names, and with high aspirations in life especially in their career in the Music Industry. But they don’t want to be known just because of the name of their families. each of them came from wealthy families in the country or in the city of Korea.. Let's first get to know: Chae-won or better known as wona. 22 years old. she comes from a family that owns large establishments. she has high dreams that, one day she will be famous not just because of his name. they are three siblings.and she was the second and only young lady. Her parents wanted business administration for her to take over. but she chose the college of music Kim-rae or better known as Kim. 21 years old. She is from the kim family. The kim family is the fifth richest in the whole country. So even when she was young he was recognized right away. they are five children of their parent. and she was the third. she had a talent for dancing but her father wanted medicine and psychology to be her course. but she does not listen so she runs away sometimes Chang-min or famously known as Minnie. 21 years old. she was of the Chang clan . her father owned a famous and expensive clinic, hospital and so on. her mother was a famous actress but she did not inherit it she was the eldest of their two siblings. she is spoiled brat and she wants everything to be perfect and clean. she has no musical talent, but she aspires to it. so even though it was difficult, she fought for the music course Ji-woo or better known by her real name Ji woo.20 years old. her father was a very powerful and wealthy politician.her grandparents and aunt once became prime minister of korea . Her mom is a half Korean and Australian. and while her maternal grand mom was a filipino .so he often lived in America for long years. so she was fluent in four languages. Korean, English, Spanish and Filipino. on her 19th birthday, she returned to south, Seoul korea. she was the only child of her father and mother. so once, dhe was jealous of her cousin who had siblings. She is elegantly dressed and sophisticated. But she was a down-to-earth lady and had a soft heart. her father wanted hwr to take up law in the united states, she insisted that she just take a music course. and her family supported her.. so in unforeseen circumstances. the very popular Kpop group will be formed through them. In an unintentional path, they will shine brightly, until the end of time. they'll wish it hadn't happened, at all. let's identify the group named 4BEES

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