I don’t know why the banner is fucked….. I have tried several different pictures..now you have to live with scuffed jontron (•ˋ-´•)
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How? Really how? You are going to dismiss the obvious murderhobo that killed 30 people in seconds just because he is pint sized? Lol… Lmao even 🫵🏻
My guy you are a dwarf sized twink 😂 you are not getting any where near the mouth or neck if you are not jumping btw this is my head canon that he is cartoonstyle sneaking and jumping at people like an angry rabbit and the murder the shit out of everyone 😂
I don’t know man…. This seems excessive. I mean I would get 1 charge a day (which is still very excessive) or 5 charges in 1 or 2 weeks but you already have yourself a very op character, so on top of your stacked deck you have way to many charges. You could speed run godhood in … what a month? With the right charges… so my honest opinion is cut the charge gain down if you want the story to last at least 10-30 chapters…. You could also give me the middle finger and write the most Brocken trap in all cyoa fanfic history 😂
Wait do you mean he loves chocolate but is allergic 😂 that’s so mean 👀 I love it
Well if you ever get around to editing this chapter here is one 0 missing 👀
Well it’s the gamer body …in most cases a way to immortality (at least in some fics) and It should be considered giving it the wife/spouse or maybe really good friends that travel with you to not go lonely you would be traveling the greater multiverse over millions of years
He even mentioned it by trying to analyze Snape 😂 he was nearly caught by Snape and thought to himself that it is good he didn’t start with our lovely Voldemort puppet
You could give him navigation or maybe a stretch but mapping ( star charts)?
What an asshat … for all his intelligence there seems to be no wisdom found in his brain