Membaca buku-buku
So is that a good thing for you or what?
Ive been waiting to see these guys again it looks like we will be seeing more of them next
So the day has come when my prophecy became reality
Are you even caught up? Author, don’t trust this guy he’s not even the top 20 fans, how is he even caught up if his fan value is that low??
Why would you even think mc wasn’t intelligent? Mc was mostly on top of his game from the start.
How can Aldrich be one of them? It makes no sense, he talked as if he wasn’t sure any more will come
Sorry I meant to reply to a different comment
How can Aldrich be one of them? It makes no sense, he tales as if he wasn’t sure any more will come
I mean if you’re into that kind of kinky stuff! lol , JK