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When I read these books I expect it to be stupid to some extent but this doesn’t even resemble normal human behavior. If you told me this happened in real life I would expect the mc to be a sexual predator/deviant or atleast on some sort of drug. Who behaves like this. This is an 18 year old? That’s crazy. “I have no clean cloths so I will sit in this room name and even answer the door.” wtf. Even a drunk has more self awareness than this.
I mean… this is exactly what you would expect it to be. Lots of self gratification and random conflict to facilitate face slapping. The writing quality’s is meh. It’s not really the words but the pacing. It’s this thing happened, this thing happened, this new thing happened. There is a lot happening but not a lot of connection between the events. Just dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun. That’s the pace of this novel. Still mindless fun if that’s what you want. ( little cringe mc some times )
It makes it painful to listen too
With the price they gave him I wouldn’t want to go back lol > 60% when promised 75%
God I hate these “…”
This is so wrong it’s funny
And I’m not surprised -.-
Got these f*** “=“ equals are killing me in audio
Why are these chapters all backwards