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Good Chapter.
Even though it was all a hoax! I'm waiting to see what he'll do from now on and Yamagod's next move.
Good to have you back
Very soon, the Yamagod is coming
This is unexpected to me, but let's see what he asks of you with your help.
Well, it didn't turn out the way I thought things would but I still have a feeling that I'd like this a lot more.
It's good to see you again. And I'm curious to know who ordered the attack on our Yamagod.
I say Yamauchi should team up with Nanase for this one. Thanks for this fantastic Chapter.
I've read other Yamagod stories but by far this is the best one I've had the pleasure of reading so far.
It's good to see you back. And with the second year starting, let's see what Yamagod has in store for everything to come. Actions always have consequences after all.