

2022-04-08 BergabungGlobal





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Tragic Death in the White House

THE DEVIOUSNESS OF THE PLOT WAS RATHER BRILLIANT Readers` Favorite Tragic Death in the White House is a dramatic thriller that demonstrates a true reverence for the office of the President….engaging story, intriguing plot and a whole host of interesting characters to keep readers on their toes….complex story….exciting. Indies Today A professional assassin manages to kill the President of the USA in the middle of the White House - and gets away unnoticed. However, the government decides to showcase the murder as an accident and steals his fame. The mafia refuses to give him the promised payout. No one believes he actually killed the President, let alone in the White House. He's given a deadline: four days to prove his case or else. Meanwhile, the government places a $10-million dollars bounty on him using a different case from the past. The mafia, greeded by the bounty, also joins the chase. Caught between two fires, the assassin decides to reveal the truth to the public and collect both rewards: the one from the mafia, and the other from the police. What will it take him to succeed? He writes a letter to the late President's wife and sets up his twin brother as the one on the warrant. In order to succeed, he has to convince the police that he knows the truth behind the "accident" and that he's captured the "right" assassin. While that unfolds, the Vice President is trying to hide the truth from the public in order to save the dignity of the nation and apprehend the assassin. However, certain powerful people are trying to set him up because they don`t want him in the presidential position. Will the new President and the Assassin succeed in their conflicting efforts? IF YOU LOVE ADVENTURE IF YOU LOVE EXTRAORDINARY EVENTS IF YOU LOVE DYNAMIC BOOKS AND IF YOUR MAIN RULE IN LIFE IS FIGHT TO THE LAST BREATH AND DIE WITH DIGNITY THEN THE BOOK TRAGIC DEATH IN THE WHITE HOUSE IS THE RIGHT BOOK FOR YOU DISCOVER THE WELL-KEPT SECRETS OF CHOSEN PROFESSIONALS AND LEARN HOW TO APPLY THEM IN REAL LIFE BUY NOW TRAGIC DEATH IN THE WHITE HOUSE

Daoista2OD4C · Seni bela diri
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