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Yeah I can imagine that ravenclaw bits even if not that strict but still we all saw in canon that the house of revens is not all roses and sunshine as every fanfic make it out to be Anyways thanks for the chapter
Not taking a shot at harry potter is the really snape ?
Thanks for the chapter
Thanks for the chapter
Thanks for the chapter man
Thanks for the chapter Hope you keep it up Also any spiler regarding starter pokemon ?
Thanks for the chapter man I think it's indeedee instead of gallade And the the city name at the end should be saffron instead of goldenrod Anyway thanks keep uploading
Thanks for the chapter man 😀
Hey man this looks awesome Also can you answer a few questions for me like when will mc get Hogwarts letter and does he get a Pokemon here with a wand like starter pokemon hoping to see more of this thanks 😁
Hey man thanks for the chapter 😄