A newbie at storytelling, author of "Yet Another One" and "A Ranger's Tensei", is barely managing at grammar, and is a sophomore in high school.
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That, and the shoehorned romance so that the lemons is sped up for the sake of doing the scenes faster… I hate them. So far, the only explicit scene that describe something sexual is at [Chapter 004 : What It Takes To Be A Braver], though they are minor and is just a form of skinship bonding of the opposite sex. Just giving you a heads up regarding this one fan service.
Yeah, but it really is a shame that some emotional moments might be feeling more shallow because of this.
One who got his ideologies, belief and morality destroyed from the fact that he's still alive and alone from his close acquaintances? Bear with it, please, since even soldiers even if they're hardened and cold-blooded, they're human too afterall.
Not so sure about that, both will be married to wives of their own.
Don't mention it, just brace yourself for the time skips similar to the adaptations alongside some slower-paced slice-of-life bonding moments
[Rudy X Roxy] Like the original, yes, as Eynor hasn't rediscovered the feeling that Rudeus is currently experiencing as of this time, Love.
These Greyrats have Light brown, including both Zenith and Paul too, but bare with it as I'm going with visual progression with how varied POV and Eynor / Linap's perspective describes them as such. When Volume 1 happens, possibly after I put this on hiatus, ending it the same way both Novels did, when we come to see them again, familiar ones will be described again albeit differently.
Unfortunately, the few early chapters will set him up as having the capabilities of being able to learn both Magic and Swordsmanship, and so until the moment for when he meets a Mentor that is proficient in Archeries and the time he'll spend with that person comes, I hope that you bare with it. But yes, the MC will prioritize Long Distance Arts of Bows over Magic, Close Range Arts of Martial Arts (possibly named as Techniques in the Six-faced world) over Swordsmanship. And while he is capable on all-fronts, they're not without their own downsides, so expect events of causalities.
Also, it's because it's emphasized to put your attention to what's what in certain situations, especially when it's all BIG.
Yes, since I don't want the readers getting confused on what line they should take a few breaks in between the others, and stylistically just experimenting like any other novels you saw in, well, everywhere. So expect different kinds of results from Rifujin's original work, both WN and LN and also the Anime, as of the moment.