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Hi author im a big fan of your story so I wanted to leave a review: The story is great as it follows the ideas of other novels while being unique. The characters are well written. And your naming sense is great. I would really be sad if you were to drop this novel pls don't do it
I had to drop this masterpiece for my own mental health. Pls don't misunderstand I loved this it's just that I was afraid of what would happen when I ended this novel I didn't want to get depression again so I dropped it in fear of separation
So dear author I hope you will be able to solve all of the unexpected issues in your current life. Just wanted to know if you have any intention to continue this novel (banger). Pls come back to the novel.
I hope I'm not annoying you with my questions. Is everything fine with you author? As one of your loyal fans I really admire the work done in this novel so I'm always longing for new chapters as many others of your fans. When can we expect the return of the story? Hope you do fine :) . Sorry if I'm annoying you. PS: (No ill intentions in my messages and I'm sorry for my bad English)
I hope I'm not annoying you with my questions. Is everything fine with you author? As one of your loyal fans I really admire the work done in this novel so I'm always longing for new chapters as many others of your fans. When can we expect the return of the story? Hope you do fine :) . Sorry if I'm annoying you. PS: (No ill intentions in my messages and I'm sorry for my bad English) A loyal reader.
A black/blond/Asian man or woman is the rarest appearance in the world.
Author I don't know your current circumstances but I really appreciate this novel and hope you can keep this novel up. Are you by any chance going to take a break from the novel? Have a nice day.
Do you have any plan to increase the number of chapters being released per week?
Just wondering in the start the protagonist wrote 1000 awnsers to the questionary and in every chapter you have a question and awnser will there be 1k chapters to match the number of questions?
Just teleport the snake a 1000 km high it won't survive that fall no matter what.